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2016 will be the hottest on record

by | 08-03-2016 10:33 recommendations 0

Hello, good afternoon! I was reading through the Guardians afterschool, and I found an interesting article, so I would like to share it with all of you! The news claimed that, according to a forecast by UK Met Office, 2016 will be the hottest year on record.

Climate Change and the peaking of the El Niño weather phenomenon are said to be driving global average temperature above the record in 2015. This analysis was released after few days since the announcement of COP21 in Paris with the goal of restricting the world temperature rise to 1.5C under agreement of 195 countries worldwide. With the data suggesting just a 5% chance the global average temperature in 2016 would be lower than the one in 2015 the goal of COP21 is getting attention.

This rise of temperature is due to huge El Niño impact. El Niño is a natural cycle of warning in the Pacific Ocean which has a global impact on weather. The report stated that the current El Niño is largest scale since 1998 and is predicted to reach its peak in 2016. Due to this effect, there are chances that we might see consequences never been seen before. The melting of the Greenland ice cap is definite example of the negative impact from climate change. This will lead to rise of water level. Seems to be too distant issue from you? Evidences can be found near us as well. I?ve recently noticed that the price of food, especially vegetables, has been rising dramatically. I heard news report saying farmers are afraid of growing crops due to lack of water from hot weather.

For instance, the hot heatwaves have caused climate change that lead to 40% of recent floods reported in northwest England. The increase of the greenhouse gas emission lead to even more heat trapped on Earth. The global warming will rise abruptly from now on. In fact, 2014 serves to be the first year the world passed the 1C of warming above the pre-industrial levels.

Simon Bullock at Friends of Earth suggested that this is yet more evidence that the world is warming fast, [and that] we will see far more savage storms and floods if governments do not [step up to] cut carbon pollution. He believes that the Paris agreement at COP21 indicates how responses are needed now. Bob Ward, the policy director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, also claims that Global mean surface temperature continues to rise. He believes that government must take action now to cut greenhouse gas emissions to keep the promise of COP21 Paris agreement.

So now, I believe it?s time for us to think. What can we do, from local level, to help out? How can we, the Tunza Eco-generation community, raise awareness of Climate change? And How can we individually put an effort to contribute? Thank you.

Credit: the Guardians, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/17/2016-set-to-be-hottest-year-on-record-globally. 

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  • says :
    Thank you
    Yuna Tae
    its very informative
    Posted 19-03-2016 00:01

  • says :
    It is definitely a big concern, This is the obvious sign that can relate to everyone, so I hope there are some regulations to do something about it. Thank you for reading :3
    Posted 09-03-2016 10:43

  • says :
    @Minjoo ¼±????,
    It is definitely shocking, when I read this article at the Guardians I knew I had to share this with TUNZA eco-generation family... I definitely feel the effect of El Nino as well, such as change of ocean temperature (my local community is near pacific ocean and due to this sharks were advent more often.. and such) I know the sky city near Incheon International airport, where my dad lives back in Korea, snowed a lot than usual... Hopefully this obvious sign will motivate people worldwide. Thank you for reading :)
    Posted 09-03-2016 10:42

  • says :
    It is definitely somewhat disappointing to see how they make it look all nice but in reality they don't take further step into it..I really hope COP21 agreement will motivate countries worldwide :)
    Posted 09-03-2016 10:39

  • says :
    It is very upsetting to see obvious signs of climate change.. I hope there are some regulations (especially by the countries that actively participated on COP21 meetings) to prevent further rise of average temperature!
    Thank you for reading as well :)
    Posted 09-03-2016 10:37

  • says :
    Global warming is fast becoming a source of concern. its time for us to act fast to reduce environmental pollution and curb the increasing trend of global warming.Thanks for sharing Yuna.
    Posted 09-03-2016 06:12

  • says :
    Yuna, thanks for sharing the post with us. It is definitely a shocking fact that the Earth is getting hotter as year goes by. Though I may live apart from you, I have already experienced the effect of El Nino, such as the weather being abruptly hotter and colder alternately during this winter. Even a bunch of snow had suddenly came at the end of January, so my family trip was cancelled as well. Anyways, I hope there could be meaningful changes seen this year. Thanks again for sharing Yuna :-)
    Posted 09-03-2016 00:01

  • says :
    It is frustrating to see almost every summit on environment declares to do something but to find out the box is empty once you open. This is becoming more of a routine. Look at how some of the car manufacturing companies deceived people with false report and test results! Now the 2 degree goal set up years ago will, again, be replaced by other objectives. I only hope the latest global agreement in Paris will be given more effort. Thanks Yuna!
    Posted 08-03-2016 22:46

  • says :
    2015 was probably the hottest year so far and it is alarming to know that 2016 will have such a similar outcome as well. The true impacts of global warming is finally being felt on a massive scale and I am guessing it will be even worse in the coming years. It was a nice read Yuna. :)
    Posted 08-03-2016 22:13

  • says :
    @Tanverjit, It's very obvious and simple as you said, I think it's just hard to get people to act upon it
    Posted 08-03-2016 20:11

  • says :
    @Arushi, unfortunately there's only 5% possibility that it won't get hotter, so its most likely that the average temperature will continue to rise... I feel like before it reach the point where our body can't tolerate we would have negative impacts from our surroundings.. :(
    Posted 08-03-2016 20:11

  • says :
    Well it is obvious , the coming years might get hotter and beyond bearable if we humans dont act quickly. We need to change or lifestyles. We need to do every bit to reduce the pollution or it might be very late .
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 08-03-2016 18:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I hope 2016 doesn't get hot beyond tolerance to body. Global warming is getting serious and we must escalate our efforts to outpace and fight it. Thanks for sharing, Yuna
    Posted 08-03-2016 17:52

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