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National Waste Awareness 2016 - Medan's Movement toward Indonesia #FreeWaste2020

by | 10-03-2016 02:16 recommendations 0

February 21, is National Waste Awareness Day on Indonesia, this date had one tragic story behind it. "Waste landslide" or "Waste Tsunami" was happened this day on 2005 and more than hundreds house and people was buried alive. That makes government, lots of people, and environmentalist aware that there's something wrong with these wastes, and we need to do something about it!

So yeah, every year, there would be a Movement about waste awareness, but this year, there's something special with it. In order to achieve Indonesia #FreeWaste2020, there's national movement to invite Governments, 1024 Local Communities, and thousands local Societies, to have community services on the Car Free Days, Harbors, Rails, Coasts, Rivers, Tourists Area, and even Mountains. These movement held on 154 Cities and Regencies, on more than 20 provinces. These were HUGE Achievements because if we compare it last year, this movement only involved 61 communities on 20 Cities/Regencies, which makes it getting BIGGER and BIGGER!

So, I was interviewing Desy Lia Putri, Chairpeson of Youth for Climate Change (YFCC) North Sumatera. As YFCC representative, She has several goals want to be achieved. Generally, YFCC wants to make this National Movement succeed, lots of Environmentalist, Societies, and Governments has set this goals to achieve Indonesia #FreeWaste2020. Specially, YFCC wants to tell the locals How bad Medan's environment potrait, now. For example they did this movement on Sungai Deli or Deli River, one of Medan's identity and iconic river, has been achieved its "Severe" conditions. Lots of plastic waste on the riverbanks can make Floods on the downstream (which is not good at all). Yet, we need to face another waste problem that literally make our locals vulnerable in the first place. This is why YFCC wants to be the mover and build the awareness for local societies and communities.

The Result

So, as a mover, Medan can engage more than 427 participants from 30 communities, one of city that has the highest number of Volunteers! This movement was the first time in Medan, but already break the Records! So yeah, it gives us priceless information, Medan still has lots of Aware people. They just need a platform to do the movement and they hope lots of similar activities can be done as often as possible.

Ah, imagine more than 500 garbage bags filled with waste! Even, for this 2-4 hour movement we can get lots of Waste! Thanks Volunteers :)

Personal Messages

Nothing is impossible! Engaging these communities and societies might be not so easy, but, approaching them personally is Important. First thing you need to do, expand your network as wide as possible, save the numbers, engage the leaders, pitching your ideas, and voila, get your volunteers! Even by providing them online-registration, you can engage lots of people personally, as long as your objectives and goals are clear!

Once again, network is everything, engaging governments would be easier and faster if you have friends that close with the governments itself, you may skip several "confusing" bureaucracy. So, keep sharing-networking-developing guys!

"Talking about environment is not talking about me or you, it's us! Communities need to be good Role Model, we're youth, we need to aware and care with our surroundings, because it's not only Scientist or Environmentalist duties, it's us, it's our duties!" - Desy Lia Putri

Lots of WasteTaking photos with volunteers (3)Taking photos with volunteers (2)Taking photos with volunteers (1)

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  • says :
    Dear David,

    Woah, looking forward to see you here ..... perhaps, can guide you here to do the project. We will give you warm-greetings though hoho
    Posted 20-03-2016 09:18

  • says :
    Wow! Just wow! By just simply looking at the pictures, we can already say that the event is very successful, indeed. It makes me feel like, I wanna fly to Indonesia just to join the event. Thank you for sharing this one, Muhammad Rafi Alhariri Nasution! Job well done! :)
    Posted 13-03-2016 23:35

  • says :
    Muhammad, I am glad that you recognized a lot of people who are willing to be eco-warriers. As you have mentioned in your comment, there needs educational platform which can guide people how to or where to involve themselves in saving this planet. Thanks for sharing such post, and I also love your pictures, especially the last one with letters :-)
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:32

  • says :
    Hello guys! It's my pleasure to tell you about this event. Even, I learnt a lot during this event, it opens my eyes that we, eco-warriors, aren't alone at all! Lots of people still care, in fact, they just didn't know where should they go or involving themselves, creating platform, doing mass movement, and do this kind of stuff as often as possible is a must though. I believe, we can achieve this Goal when everyone aware that 'Guys, it's happening, our environment is messed-up now, and we need to do something with it!'
    Posted 10-03-2016 12:02

  • says :
    Hi Muhammad for writing this! Yeah just like Syed said, I see that there are small and big, national and international events on environment more than I previously thought there would be! Thanks for introducing this event!
    Posted 10-03-2016 07:40

  • says :
    It was nice to learn about this event. Really glad to see so many events and programs are being organized by communities of several societies involving so many people. All these events indicate that environmentalists and eco warriors are successfully being able to communicate the need for environmental protection to the mass population.
    Posted 10-03-2016 05:23

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for telling us about this significant day. Rightly said that we need to involve more and more people from all sectors and build on networking to have maximum involvement in environmental movements and mission. When we talk about Environment, it involves everyone, it impacts everyone so it should be cared by everyone. Thanks again for the nice report.
    Posted 10-03-2016 04:59

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