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Rice husk - an amazing material

by | 19-03-2016 17:27 recommendations 0

Rice husk 

Rice husk is not strange to most of the agricultural countries. However, in such a context that many countries, including big powers, realize the importance of sustainable development, rice husk will surely become a very potential material applied to many technologies and manufacturing. Let me list some of the very beneficial usage of Rice husk.

1. Husk wood

Husk wood is sold at low-cost and much cheaper than coal, gas or oil. Burning husk wood also does little harm to environment. The ash – the left of husk after being burnt can be used as fertilizer. In Vietnam, husk wood has been put into use successfully. The typical example is Mr.Nguyen Huu Dung who made this kind of fuel widely popular to Vietnamese consumers. He shared that each day, his factory produces around 10 tons per day.

Source: http://dantri.com.vn/?/chang-trai-8x-tro-thanh-ty-phu-nho-k?

2. Paint against fire and bullets

It is difficult to believe that such small husk can be used to produce a very special kind of paint which is fireproof and bullet-proof. However, Vietnam succeeded in making this come true. This is an invention of Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoe who was given Science Award Kovalevskaya of Russia. The quality of this paint is higher than that of others sold in contemporary markets in the world while the price of this paint is cheaper and no ash or toxic gas is emitted when the paint is burnt.

Source: http://khoahoc.tv/viet-nam-san-xuat-son-chong-chay-chong-da?

3. Filtration machine

Mr. Luong Van De (1939), from Hai Duong, Vietnam, invented a filtration machine using filters? tubes made from husk. 
SiO2 will be separated from husk to produce high-quality porcelain which filters water then. The advantages of his machine are creating no side-effects because no chemical substances are added to water, and eliminating foul-smelling. The dioxin can be eliminated as well if the machine is connected with another filter having activated carbon tube. The filter speed is quite good and the price of this machine is reasonable.

Source: http://khoahoc.tv/thiet-bi-loc-nuoc-sach-tu-vo-trau-7482

painthusk wood

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  • says :
    Likewise, Thao! As a country with strong roots on Agriculture, it is a must to utilize such raw materials in order for these so-called wastes become productive, which makes them ecologically- and economically-sound. Thank you once again Thao for sharing this!
    Posted 20-03-2016 13:16

  • says :
    Hi Thao, thank you for posting! Sometimes I doubt that technology can lead us to better world, but when I come across these kinds of writings... well it feels good haha. You said the filtration machine's price is reasonable but i wonder if that's reasonable enough to make it widely used? And also the rice husk news is equally great. Hope all the best for the researcher's success in that study and thank you for sharing!
    Posted 20-03-2016 10:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! Rice husk can be used to paint and as source of fuel-Quite interesting. Thanks for sharing Thao.
    Posted 20-03-2016 02:30

  • says :
    Thao, I have never heard that rice husk are so useful in diverse ways. Using husk wood as fuel might be difficult in areas that are accustomed at using fossil fuel, but paint and filtration machine should be advertised worldwide. It is a good news that people are putting effort to use natural sources that are earned from our nature, and I hope to have a chance to actually see rice husk in the future. Thanks for posting, and have a great day :-)
    Posted 20-03-2016 01:34

  • says :
    Wow! Thanks for sharing this great report! The facts present were really amazing!
    Posted 19-03-2016 19:51

  • says :
    Great to hear from you John, the Philippines is doing so well by utilizing rice husk. Congratulation!
    Posted 19-03-2016 18:01

  • says :
    Nice one, Thao! Just to add some more, here in the Philippines, short fibers are being derived from rice husk, which are being used in creating handmade papers. Anyway, thanks for sharing this Thao! Great job! I second the motion with you that utilization of such raw material is cost-effective and environmental-friendly, hence, highly-sustainable.
    Posted 19-03-2016 17:32

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