Hello everyone! Tonight we will discuss about "How bad Air Pollution in Jakarta" and how's struggle the commuters working with it.
Basically, it came from my experiences, doing Internship on Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta. So, as you know, I live on Bandung, having more fresh-air, mountain atmosphere-alike, still enjoy my "Walking" trip on Bandung, etc. When I came to Jakarta ....... Well, I must said, it's quite stressing, because the mean temperature itself around 31-34oC, stuck on Traffic Jam, and the Air-pollution was depressing also. It's gonna complete the suffering of commuters.
Here's several photos about the condition on Jakarta (source: bbc.co.uk)
As commuters, public transportation would be your very best-friend and the quick escape from these exhausting environments. Although, you would be facing another challenges, struggling to get in the commuter line, and fighting for standing in this situations (source: tempo.co)
Being commuters in Jakarta is very challenging event through your Life, but it's the beautiful thing, you can be more grateful to live in your hometown, and you will realize how strong you are, when you can live in here.
The Air-pollution itself, keep increasing and being worst every time. It's all because the growth of Vehicles volume on Jakarta every year. It contributes for 70-80% of Air-pollution in Jakarta. Imagine, there are 16 millions vehicles on the streets, creating Traffic Jam which makes the effect getting worst and worst. These pollution can give Health-problem due to the exposure of the Major Air pollution such as SO2, NOx, CO, O3, Pb, and PM10.
?The risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes,? Maria Neira, director of WHO?s public health department, said in the statement. ?Few risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution the evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe.? (beritasatu.com)
1. Shifting transportation from private to public transportation
Just like my previous report, you can check why: http://bit.ly/21AKgjS No traffic jam, reducing your carbon footprint, and of course, FRESH AIR!
2. Improving Air-pollution monitoring
It's really important for the societies to know the air-quality level in risky time. At least they can prepare their own mask so that they can reduce the risks of getting more exposure from these Major pollution
3. More Car Free Day (?)
Beside clearing the air, CFD can be a place to socialize and increasing the Happiness Index for your societies. You can meet thousands of people having their own interests, hobbies, communities, and etc. It can be a place to develop your networking instead of doing your routine.
Source: theprashanta.wordpress.com
Ah, here comes the last statement, guys. One does not Simply, being Commuters in Jakarta, having lots of challenging, the Air-pollution, dense populated, very hot temperature a.k.a Urban Heat Island, traffic jams, lots of things happen in Jakarta! But, I believe, if you find a problem, there must be ways to address this kind of issues. Talking about Air-pollution isn't only environmentalist or scientist responsible, it's ours!
Thank you for your attention, guys :)) Please share your thought below!
Good night!
Muhammand, I could well see how people living in Jarkarta are struggling from commuting and air pollution. With more regulation and introduction of green technolgoies from the government, I hope people can enjoy a more pleasant time commuting. Funding may be expensive, but it can improve not only the air quality but also the overall quality of life in Jarkarta!
And please make sure to write references to all photos I only see one at the very bottom. Keep up the good work, and have a great day :-)
Posted 21-03-2016 21:59
Dear Heonjun,
Actually, there's no direct policy that oblige the vehicle users to have their own filters. Even, mostly the emitters came from Public Transportation such as buses ..... These buses should be changed as soon as possible because it emits like zillion pollution (I often get the exposure) ...... So yeah, beside shifting the people behavior, the government needs to consider changing the technology of the transportation itself ..... Perhaps changing it with electrical buses or low-emission buses tho :) Hope it helps you
Posted 21-03-2016 11:17
Dear Anagha,
Yups, I've seen several old photos of Jakarta and it's still good without any Traffic jam, having clean rivers etc ..... Idk it came from the people's behavior or something, but something must change no matter what! And it's not only mine, theirs, but OURS obligation :))
Posted 21-03-2016 11:13
Hi Muhammad, thanks for posting news from Jakarta! The first picture with a bus emitting black smoke poses me a question. Is filtering system for the cars not mandatory? Seeing from other photos you uploaded, many cars seem to emit without the pollutants going through the filter. If there is no regulation on this, enacting one could bring in more benefit than other solutions that could take up much longer? Thank you for your thoughts on this.!
Posted 21-03-2016 10:53
Jakarta was one of the cleanest cities a few decades ago. However it is indeed saddening to hear about the disaster that has struck this beautiful city. The hope of the world lies upon the future technologists like us who have the capability to turn the whole world round for good. Let us work in unison for this cause!
Posted 20-03-2016 18:17
You're welcome Alina :)) Looking forward your reports too
Posted 20-03-2016 12:02
Air pollution has been a major issues on the developed and developed cities of the world to the higher extent. Hope that the majors that are effective to reduce air pollution in your region will be applied.Thank you for sharing. :)
Posted 20-03-2016 09:21
Unfortunately, the electric car itself would be so Expensive in Indonesia ..... Lots of people using 'Cheap' Cars or something, it's even encouraging them to use more Public Transportation. Government need to consider their policies about Cheap Cars or motorcycles, we need to realize, the more these private transportation increase, the more Indonesia keep suffering from the environment especially the Air-pollution.
Posted 20-03-2016 09:16
It's sad to know that Jakarta is yet another city where life of commuters is challenging due to air pollution. You rightly said government should encourage more and more of public transport by subsidising it. People should prefer to travel by car pool(shared car). Hybrid /electric cars should be given tax/duty rebates etc. Thanks for the report.
Posted 20-03-2016 02:44
Posted 20-03-2016 02:37
Thank you Nilanjan :)
Posted 20-03-2016 02:12
Nice report Muhammad!Keep up the good work!
Posted 20-03-2016 02:04