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Asian Dust and other problems we should consider

by | 20-03-2016 15:23 recommendations 0

Atmosphere. I would like to talk about the yellow dust from China. Many people in Korea worry about the harmful effects of yellow sand and try not to go out of house because they know that there?s lots of heavy metals that go with the yellow sand. However, it might be so obvious for them to just protect themselves from yellow sand, not thinking about why this yellow sand occurs.

Yellow sand, as I mentioned, at least in Korea comes from China. As china is now rocketing in economical standards, many factories, not only factories but cars and power plants were built. Plus, china has the most population, which causes them to emit more greenhouse gas. Plus, many companies started to cut down the trees in order to build things that might help them to earn profit. Many people don?t know that developing mines lead to yellow sand too. The trees started to disappear and China is slowly changing into a desert. Deserts cause yellow sand, Gobi desert, Takla Makan desert, are two major deserts that cause yellow sand. But still, they are not making any laws or regulations when their citizen are living in the yellow sand, breathing and absorbing through their body with lots of heavy metals such as Cadmium, Mercury, Copper, and Zine. We use these heavy metals every day in our life. But when we breathe air with these chemicals, it causes serious diseases in the future such as cancer, motor disturbance, eye diseases, etc.

Wikipedia Taipei from maokong

As the yellow sand becomes more popular not only in Asian countries, Korea started to do something in order to stop air pollution. Many environmental activists like us are even volunteering to plant trees in China to stop desertification. Desertification leads to air pollution, soil pollution in major. First, air pollution means yellow sand. Chinese people, especially people in Beijing, are living in a city filled with heavy metals. Sometimes it can cause trouble in phones, specifically semiconductors. The planes won?t fly if the yellow sand is severe.

However, yellow sand have good effects such as neutralizing the soil (most of the soil on Earth is slowly being acidified by greenhouse gas, pesticides, etc.), blocking sunlight that causes temperature rise, and being the food of marine planktons which stops red tide phenomenon. Then, you might think that the yellow sand harms human health, but stops temperature rise which makes no reason for us to stop yellow sand. I think that as pollution means some substance, whether it is harmful or not, increase or decrease and lead to some effects. Then, yellow sand, even though it is a known fact that yellow sand somehow contributes to stopping global warming, we do not know what kind of other effects it will bring, which means we should try to stop yellow sand.


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  • says :
    SoYeon, such a nice report on yellow dust affecting China and Korea. From your article, we can once more be reminded that environmental problems are not limited in a certain region or country, but they can also affect neighboring states as well. All countries should keep in mind, and consider when implmementing regulations about pollution. Thanks for posting, and have a great day :-)
    Posted 21-03-2016 22:12

  • says :
    Thank you So Yeon for sharing your thoughts on this. China does take a lot of percentage in overall atmosphere pollution in Korea but I also think the government has more room to consider continuous support for the greener development which I think is cut off vastly after the regime shifted several years ago. Thank you taking time to write this and I hope to hear from you again
    Posted 21-03-2016 11:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yellow dust/yellow sand/yellow wind of China/Korea is very popular(of course for it's harmful consequences on health and environment). I can imagine how it must be to breathe on days of heavy yellow dust storm.
    Thanks for adding to my knowledge about the good effects of yellow dust-I din't know.
    Posted 20-03-2016 23:33

  • says :
    Desertification is now a days a common phenomenon because urbanization is taking place at a fast rate. We need to plant more trees and also take care of them..
    Posted 20-03-2016 20:11

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