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by | 13-04-2016 17:17 recommendations 0

When it comes to the health impacts of air pollution, the stakes have never been higher in Ethiopia. The dangers that air pollution and poses on developing countries have increased drastically in the last decade. Although, Ethiopia¡¯s climate resilient green economy strategy can be taken as a first step to counter the dangers that air pollution poses, More concrete steps should be done in order to significantly decrease the catastrophes that follow the indifference attitude towards climate change and air pollution. In a 2004 study carried out by McMichael and others, it was calculated that 36,000 lives were already being lost each year across Eastern Africa (including Ethiopia) because of climate change. The same study calculates that the greatest future health risks associated with climate change in 2030 will be flooding, followed by malaria, diarrohoeal disease, malnutrition and cardiovascular diseases.

According to the World health Organization, 68% of Ethiopians are already living in areas at risk from malaria, where transmission is unstable and characterized by large scale of epidemics. For example, in 2003 large scale epidemics resulted in 2 million confirmed cases and 3000 deaths.

The 4th report of the IPCC states that by the 2050s malaria will have entered into the highland areas of Ethiopia and that by 2080 conditions will be highly suitable for malaria transmission.

The health impacts of climate change and air pollution will be felt through six mechanisms.

  • Morbidity and mortality as a result of temperature extremes

  • Health problems associated with weather related air quality

  • Injury and mortality through floods and storms

  • Increases in vector borne diseases, such as malaria and bilharzias

  • Low quality of life and reduced wellbeing

Even though the pitfalls are many, if the country takes the right measures in time, the impacts of climate change and air pollution can be dealt with properly.  The concrete steps Ethiopia takes to counter the impacts of air pollution and climate change must include

  • Adapt to the impacts of climate change by strengthening health systems to enable a response to climate related health risks

  • Advocate for political attention to the issues

  • Raise awareness of risks and coping mechanisms for behavior change and social support

  • Undertake a national assessment of vulnerability to climate related Health risks.

Eco-generation in Ethiopia will be commemorate the 46th Earth day by planting trees and raising awareness on Health impacts and air pollution on 25th April 2016.`



courtsy of practicalaction.org

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  • says :
    feel so bad to read this one Olansis. Pursuing cleaner environment will be of much help to target down the disease and other matters in the country. I just hope more people will pay attention to solve this. Thanks for bringing it to our site! and hope you had a good day!
    Posted 23-04-2016 22:08

  • says :
    Air pollution is a menace. Many people die of respiratory illnesses and suffocation. Same problem here in Kenya but i hope that the Government puts statutory laws to control or reduce the amount of harmful gases produced and emitted but the Governments should heavily invest in more renewable and sustainable energy cause that on my side is the ultimate solution to curbing the air pollution menace . Great work Olansis Wolde
    Posted 15-04-2016 23:58

  • says :
    Air pollution is a menace. Many people die of respiratory illnesses and suffocation. Same problem here in Kenya but i hope that the Government puts statutory laws to control or reduce the amount of harmful gases produced and emitted but the Governments should heavily invest in more renewable and sustainable energy cause that on my side is the ultimate solution to curbing the air pollution menace . Great work Olansis Wolde
    Posted 15-04-2016 23:36

  • says :
    In Obama's 2015 climate speech, he emphasized on the health costs of poor air quality. I think other presidents should see things the way he does.
    Posted 15-04-2016 10:57

  • says :
    Olansis, as well as other ambassadors I sincerely hope Ethiopia will get over this problem of malaeria and other environmental pollution. Hope the government of Ethiopia put regulations to keep the level of pollution and provide items for sanitation and disease prevention. Thanks for letting us know, and have a great day!
    Posted 14-04-2016 16:11

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Very sad statistics - 68% of Ethiopians are already living in areas at risk from malaria.
    I hope authorities wake up, act aggressively, implement policies & laws to improve the situation soon enough. Glad to know that Ethiopia plans to celebrate Earth Day by planting trees and raising awareness on Health impacts and air pollution. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 14-04-2016 03:23

  • says :
    Dear Olansis, I double agree with you in the sense that health impacts of air pollution is given less concern by government and related authorities. It's sad to know huge number of lives are gone due to malaria and other air quality related adverses.
    Nevertheless, I am glad to know Ethiopia would commemorate Earth Day 2016 by planting trees and raising awareness on air pollution.
    Thank you for the report :)
    Posted 13-04-2016 21:45

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