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The Clean-up Party is coming up...

by Xilola Kayumova | 15-09-2016 00:06 recommendations 0

I am sure that each one of us wants to live in a clean house with great neighboors who also would like to live cleanly.
To tell the truth , I get a bit angry when I see people throwing their garbage and trash wherever they want.  Whenever I see that kind of a person, the action he did gives me first impressions about him. When I see those kind of people, I think 'Do they have parents who teach them good behaviour?' Its a shame to admit, there are so many people with bad behaviour around the world...
Unfortunately, people in Uzbekistan are also facing this small, but yet serious problem. I can see some of them just trashing every place and not caring about the nature. Lets start up with a small community- home.
We have a small playground where I spent my youth playing games such as 'Catch' and 'Hide and Seek'. I didnt really care about its' look and all those things before. One day, I looked out of the 3rd floor window and realised that our country is in danger!
I realised that we MUST DO something about it. I realised that I must do something...
I tried to start my actions, but I just could not do it as I was too young back then. After that, I became busy with school and couldnt do my plans. I have now finished school, gained more knowledge and became mature enough to take action.
For the first month of my ambassador term, I have planned to do a ' Clean-up Party' for little kids living in our apartments. I am planning to have many fun activities for little kids living in Asaka, Muqimiy street. 
Please, feel free to share your ideas about the party. Tell me what kind of activities would be helpful. I am looking forward to your suggestion comments.
Also,  check out this activity I have come up with:
' More trash- more sweets' 
What is one thing kids can not live without? You are right,  sweets. My father, as the director of the 'Shohruh Polyethyelene Company', said that he would like to do some sponsoring and buy the sweets for the event.  
Basically, I will gather some little kids from our apartment. We have 2 (or more) VIPs for this event. I will ask 1 VIP to start up and the other one to finish our 'Clean-up Party'. We will have a competition between little kids 'Who collects more trash?!' The most active 5 participants will be awarded with Tunza's pens, leaflets and post-its. The 3 best competers will also receive a certificate.
I have planned some more activities and I need your support! Share your ideas and remember: We are the learners of today and the leaders of tomorrow,  the leaders of our own future!!!

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  • Dormant user Xilola Kayumova
  • recommend


  • says :
    This is such a brilliant idea.
    I am amazed by the concept and i think you will make a lot of impact with this project. All the best and i will be waiting to read the outcome. Great step, Ambassador Xilola.
    Posted 18-09-2016 19:02

  • says :
    Thanks for posting your very first article, Xilola! I also gain the first impression of a person through his/her trivial behaviors, like littering. I hope your 'clean-up party' within those kids could gain success. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your campaign!
    Posted 17-09-2016 00:27

  • says :
    Thanks for your first report on tunza website Xilola. I'm glad we have a member from Uzabekistan. Hope you'll share us new insights on your country and the environmental problems and solutions the country is experiencing. cheers!
    Posted 16-09-2016 19:55

  • says :
    Posted 15-09-2016 04:27

  • says :
    Great topic
    Posted 15-09-2016 03:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Clean-up party is a good idea, Xilola. I am so happy and proud of you that you are thinking like a responsible eco-citizen of this planet. I wish every resident was like you.
    Regarding your Clean-Up party, try to ask someone to sponsor gloves to wear during clean up. Also, may be some company can sponsor juice so that participants feel good and refreshed after clean up. At the end, discuss among yourselves how much garbage is collected and how ir-responsible it is of residents to dispose of waste like this, discuss about proper waste disposal , segregation and recycling, ask participants 'how they felt by being part of it', record/note their feedback. Take some good pictures and share with local media to inspire others to carry similar campaigns/party.Make it a regular activity like Saturday etc every month-but may be a different spot everytime.
    Thanks for sharing. All the best.
    Posted 15-09-2016 02:11

  • says :
    We alll have that park that we love playing around in as a child.
    Xilola you're on a great path. Hopefully your work will progress easily :)

    Posted 15-09-2016 00:55

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