On Saturday 10th September 2016,a beach cleaning up event were organized by a consortium of NGOs leads by STAAD (Sciences et Technologies Africaines pour un Developpement Durable).We were almost 150 persons at the beach in front of Hotel de la Paix in Lome the capital city of Togo for a cleaning action.
Organized by STAAD (Sciences et Technologies Africaines pour un Developpement Durable), a NGO based in TOGO which is focused on the sustainable development in Africa in collaboration with the US Embassy Lome, some others Togolese NGO and me as Tunza Eco generation ambassador the beach cleaning was an activity to contribute to the archievement of the 14th goal :?? Life below water? of the 17 sustainable development goals.
In effect, these last years the Actlantic Ocean seabord here in Togo has became more and more dirty because of the non-civic behavior of Togolese who used to throw into or near the sea some useless things, especially garbage and robbers which pollute not only the sea but also we human beings?s air and environment especially close habitations and all people who ?d rather spend their spare time at the beach .
We can also notify the damage of those bad things on the marine environment. The throwing of those waste in the ocean cause the decrease of the oxygen level in the water. And this disfunctionning can cause somes disadvantages for the life, and the development of marine animals. To cure this phenomena and avoid disturbing marine powerless beings , DANA BANKS, the US ambassador delegate and the Minister of Environment and Foresters Resources interpellated each participant to continue the action in order to have a clan seaboard with 0 garbage to save marine life.
A refreshment has ended this positive step with a great satisfaction and some good resolutions of all.
Nice activity and great job, ambassador.
Posted 18-09-2016 18:55
Togo! I feel the coming six months will be full of interesting topics from wide variety of places! Interesting. I'll be waiting to hear more about the stories of Togo and how the people are fighting against environmental pollution just like the one you introduced this time. Cheers and welcome to the group!
Posted 17-09-2016 13:52
Dear ouro, so proud to see your enthusiasm and active participation in Beach Clean Up in Togo. Well done dear and thank you for sharing with these beautiful pictures :)
Posted 16-09-2016 12:18
Ouro, thanks for sharing such wonderful experiences you had! It must have been very meaingful to participate at cleaning up the beach. The ultimate action, however, should be educating about the civic behavior that, it is not right to litter. Have a great day!
Posted 16-09-2016 01:05
Posted 15-09-2016 21:40
Glad to know that NGOs and other parties including you conducted this clean up. Such clean ups not only clean up the dirty area but also convey a strong message of maintaining places clean especially beach areas or other water bodies on which large marine population depends. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 15-09-2016 21:37