Tunza Eco Generation arrives in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Seminar: All of Al
As the news of my newly gained Ambassadorship spread through our small city, I realized I was on the path to promoting Tunza Eco Generation to not only my small community, but to the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Indeed, that's what happened.
By promoting myself as an Eco Generation Ambassador, I would be able to promote the very ecological values I was tasked to uphold.
Only a few days later, the news of my Ambassadorship arrived to the office of the International Network For Building Peace located in the capital city of my country (Sarajevo).
They soon wrote an article about Tunza Eco Generation and its values, asking me to fill them in on the details of my six-month coverage plan.
The article also explained what our region would gain with my position as an Ambassador, as this is the first time that Bosnia and Herzegovina has a Tunza Eco Generation Ambassador.
In short, they were very interested in our work and I was glad and proud to tell them in detail of the missions that Tunza Eco Generation has set before itself and how I would contribute to my region.
You can see the article on the following link (The article is of course, on Bosnian, but you can get the idea by using a bit of translation :) )
Not long after that, the local news centre contacted me for a brief description of my goals as an Ambassador and how I could actively seek help in my goals from the local community organizations.
They also posted an article about our goals and my duties, which you can read here (also, on Bosnian :D)
And then, all of a sudden, I got a missed call from an unknown number.
It turned out to be the regional television centre calling in to set an appointment for me to talk about Tunza Eco Generation and my six-month plan as an Ambassador.
Of course, I was nervous, but on Sunday I took a ride in my car and appeared as a guest in their Sunday talk show.
I'd learned the history and goals of the Tunza Eco Generation thoroughly to tell them everything I could, as I wanted to represent both our website, mission, and myself as an Ambassador in the most serious and respectful of ways.
The TV coverage was live and aired on the same day, and I'm still waiting on a copy of the recording (me speaking Bosnian, yes :D )
Of course, as I'm still a high school student, my job wasn't done just yet.
It was only logical to me that I should explain my position and goals of our network to my high school.
My classroom's very supportive of everything I do, and you could say we stick together quite well.
A few of them got really interested in the website as I explained, and maybe we'll have a few new members every day now! :D
My high school facebook website also uploaded a similar article as those mentioned before.
Through all of this, I may have grasped the importance of this website and its mission better than ever before, quite frankly, the necessity of promoting one's missions for a greater good.
I hope the Tunza Eco Generation team and my fellow Ambassadors will approve of this, and that someone will be motivated to do the same in their local communities.
Seminar: All of Al
On a different note, for my first report, I wanted to include a short seminar questionnaire and workshop experience I've had with my fellow high school students.
Even before joining the Tunza Eco Generation team, I've been working in my local community and organizing projects and workshops, travelling my country and participating in various competitions.
One of the ideas I had and that happened to coincide with my six month schedule is a short seminar-workshop called All of Al.
The name may be ambiguous, but as I explain the workshop idea, it will be quite straightforward to understand.
To those familiar with a big of chemistry, the chemical symbol for aluminum is Al.
That is the general idea of my project.
It's a workshop on the environmental threats and health hazards aluminum can pose, as well as the general properties of aluminum and the energy one can save by recycling aluminum products.
Not only did it have an educational goal, there was also a questionnaire for high school students 15-18 years old.
Together with my high school teachers and professionals in the statistical sciences I've made a viable test to determine the knowledge of the students on these topics.
128 students, both male and female took part in the questionnaire.
The questionnaire had 9 YES/NO questions.
The statistical processing was done in the program SPSS.
One of the significant pieces of information many students lacked is the correlation between aluminum deposits in the brain and Alzheimer's disease.
The correlation was scientifically explained thorougly in the seminar,
with a wide range of studies proving the correlation.
The other significant information was an increase in the chances for breast cancer with an increase in aluminum concentrations around the region of the breasts due to antiperspirant usage (See „Aluminium, antiperspirants and breast cancer? Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry P.D. Darbre doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2005.06.001).
The test showed that only 4 students (3%) avoided aluminum salts in their antiperspirants.
Furthermore. for the environmental part, 87.5 % students (112) said that they throw aluminum products, such as cans, in to any trash bin they can find, showing that students don't often think about the environmental effects of aluminum on soil and the energy that could be saved by recycling aluminum products.
As a conclusion, there is a photo of the workshop I'd like to share with everyone! (of the promotional poster)
Thank you all for reading this (huge) report, I hope you've been motivated and learned something new through it.
Ooh thanks for the hard work. we have your back. keep the candle blazing.
Posted 21-09-2016 06:17
You have done such a great job, ambassador. I am proud of you.
Posted 18-09-2016 18:52
Thank you all for the kind words! It means a lot to me that people all over the world are reading and positively reacting to my report!
I hope that I will continue my 'lucky streak' with the media and spread a good word on our mission :D
Posted 18-09-2016 03:29
Welcome to Tunza eco generation Armin! I don't think we have had a member from Bosnia and Herzegovina (at least in the last six months)! According to what you said, there is a strong need for better environmental instructions to the kids! Well, we will be delighted to hear your or other environmental campaigns ongoing in your country and the neighboring regions. cheers!
Posted 17-09-2016 14:00
Wow congratulations Armin! Being a guest in a talk show will be a great chance to promote yourself as an environmentalist and also a part of Tunza Eco Generation. Although you may still be a highschool student, your potential is not limited at all. I hope to see your wonderful works during the six months. Thanks for sharing, and have a great day!
Posted 16-09-2016 00:57
Posted 15-09-2016 22:04
Congratulations Armin. You started your term with a bang. News article really promotes Tunza nicely. I am sure TV and other media would have highlighted Tunza Eco gen equally well. Good job. As ambassadors, we need to promote environmental values, raise local community issues(to get them sorted) and promote Tunza Eco Gen as much as possible.
Seminar/Workshop on the environmental threats and health hazards by aluminum - was a good idea too. Not many people know that Aluminium is recyclable so there is a need to spread awareness about aluminium can recycling. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 15-09-2016 21:52