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PEACE or PIECE - (WAR & Its effects)

by | 01-10-2016 04:25 recommendations 0

WAR- a word consists of three letters only but has heated definition. If we sum up the WAR with a simple one word definition, it means DESTRUCTION. War has numbers of effects which could not even be searched on google with a single click- it has long time impact on the habitat and economic recovery. Where war is happening, there many disasters are being faced, either in the form of high numbers of deaths or distortion of nature- and where distortion of nature is caused, there change in environment seems unfair for surroundings which remains for years and results in no production, no plantation, and no lives. 

Now, People who promote War or one calls them Mongers, are victims of mental illness. They have never faced such issues and feel entertained while doing leg pulling/poking up someone for WAR, as it is happening right now between India's and Pakistan's Youth. They consider themselves as experts and share their judgement very easily in regards to national or international issues. However, they only know about highlighting the negative points with no solution but if you ask from a real expert, first they will brief you about the situation and then detail you about possible solutions to avoid destruction by any means.

Via Sanober A.Abbasi-The world as a whole has been getting incrementally less peaceful every year since 2007 – sharply bucking a trend that had seen a global move away from conflict since the end of the Second World War.

Going to war with any country is a disaster, error, and conflict domestically and internationally. Especially, when it comes to a country with nuclear weapons - sounds as absurd as having the confidence to win it - no one wins a nuclear war between two nuclear-armed nations.

Keep aside the damage that would be caused to property, livestock, agriculture, animals, and forests. Around 21 million people would die on spot and half of ozone layer would just vanish if India and Pakistan go into a nuclear war changing the atmosphere of one of the most populated and diverse regions of the world into merely dust and catastrophe. A "nuclear winter" would cripple monsoons and agriculture worldwide, one of the world's biggest refugee crisis would emerge and another two billion people worldwide would face risks of severe starvation due to the climatic effects of the nuclear-weapon use in the subcontinent (Pakistan and India).

It's the time when the emotional public of both nations gets realistic about the alarming situation we are in. Therefore, it is humble request to all please endorse peace, play peacefully and avoid war.


Simply, take a piece of paper, write your stance/words of wisdom, use hashtags #iCareFoundation #AEHorg #PPPP #iSupportPeace #IndoPakRelation and E-mail/Whatsapp your picture holding that note on +92 333 2547487 / nileshk@live.com

E-Gen Ambassador (Pakistan)
+92 333 2547487


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  • says :
    @Heonjun gratitude for mutual agreement and appreciation :)
    Posted 05-10-2016 15:25

  • says :
    You're doing a great job Nilesh! Sometimes it's almost as if people are programmed to express their anger somewhere. especially if you look around the world these days, i feel things are getting intense. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 05-10-2016 10:40

  • says :
    @Peter Exactly what I am trying to convey to our youth :)
    Posted 04-10-2016 06:03

  • says :
    War literally does not have better impact to any,thanks for sharing
    Posted 04-10-2016 04:51

  • says :
    @Minjoo looking forward for your team's support in this campaign to endorse peace among youth from both sides. &#128522
    Posted 03-10-2016 15:44

  • says :
    @Arushi Thanks for additions. Your support would be appreciated in regards to campaign &#128522
    Posted 03-10-2016 15:42

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing, Nilesh! I agree that all nations should try to avoid war as much as possible. It is sad to hear whenever people and the environment are suffering from such destruction. Though conflicts are inevitable, war should be stopped for any reason. Have a great day!
    Posted 02-10-2016 21:26

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I fully agree with each and every word of your report. War or any form of violence is not the solution to any conflict or argument. Wars cause immediate and long term destruction as we have seen in history. Let's hope and pray that both countries India and Pakistan adopt peaceful ways to have cordial relations. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 02-10-2016 21:09

  • says :
    @Yvonne you are right.
    Posted 02-10-2016 20:47

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    War: deadly for most, beneficial for few.
    Posted 02-10-2016 20:40

  • says :
    @Rohan We are trying to avoid but it needs struggle to maintain peace among youth and media.
    Posted 02-10-2016 20:07

  • says :
    @Nilanjan I wish to see you people as my supporter (If possible join my campaign)
    Posted 02-10-2016 20:06

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    War is deadly for both. Must be avoided.
    Posted 02-10-2016 19:04

  • says :
    I completely agree with your point Nilesh, that war has serious and long lasting implications. I hope the situation would get better soon.
    Posted 02-10-2016 16:07

  • says :
    @Xilola Thank you and please join my campaign against war by following up the mentioned steps :)
    Posted 02-10-2016 05:59

  • Xilola Kayumova says :
    Great article Nilesh Kumar. Its full of amazing words and I just love the way your article starts. Thanks for sharing..
    Posted 02-10-2016 05:04

  • says :
    @Anthony kindly write me your words on a paper and whatsapp me your picture holding that note
    Posted 02-10-2016 03:53

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    I never knew India and Pakistan had issues. please care should be taken so that it doesn't degenerate. It would be a global disaster. I support the campaign for peace #PPPP #iSupportPeace #IndoPakRelation
    Posted 02-10-2016 01:56

  • says :
    No war
    Posted 01-10-2016 19:00

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