Rejecting Hoax |
by Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 11-03-2017 00:01 0 |
I am one of the twenty-two children who became an ambassador for Smart, Creative, and Productive Internet. This is a program from the Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic Indonesia. The purpose of the program is to create and develop agents that would promote, share, and educate the people, especially young generation about using the Internet smartly, creatively, and productively. That is why, as the ambassador, I have an obligation to invite every layer of the society in particular young generation to utilize the internet smartly, creatively, and productively (SCP). 1. Smart means that all people should be able to use the internet with good ethics, tradition, and norms that still applies. 2. Creative refers to capability of people to create products that have potential to give a purpose. 3. Productive is able to achieve and give benefit from the use of technology and the internet, for their-self and others. Internet is like two sides of a knife. There will always be a positive and negative side, which means that we should be careful while using the internet. While surfing the internet, never give out your full identity to people to whom you don?t know. Let?s use internet wisely. We don't know who they are and what their intentions. With that being said, as an Internet Ambassador, I have a responsibility to do a socializations. In the end of month of January 2017, I socialised a healthy internet program with a young-run organization called Statusfan.com. As a child friendly organization, the Statusfan.com aims at sharing the right information and education about knowledge, article, short stories, tips, and other Indonesia?s child news which is posted online. I socialized in an event that is called 'Kumpul Bareng' or gathering together, which is an event that meets children together to share their experience face to face. That is why on the month of January, Satusfan.com and Hope Indonesia, along with myself as the Internet Ambassador, held Kumpul Bareng with the theme 'Rejecting Hoax with Smart Internet Surfing'. This event was held at POS RW 001 Kalibaru, Cilincing, North Jakarta. There were 30 children who showed up in this event. Before beginning the socialisation of healthy internet, I taught them how to change trash into something useful. At this time, I had used bottle caps, flannel cloth, and strings to make a bros. Those materials are easy to find everywhere. They were enthusiastic with participating to make the crafts. They also have ideas that weren?t expected. After making the craft, we did an ice breaking to know each other. Every child had to tell their own name, while repeating what all of their friends before them had said their name was. This was a very interesting and funny game to speed up the induction process. After having lot of laugh, we came to the Internet session on how to know which information is a lie or hoax. There are also reasons why we could believe in such false information, such as: 1. We didn't really read the content that was shared. 2. We believed too much to the media because we believed that the source is most certain to offer the truth. 3. Too lazy to think more, especially in doing a verification. 4. Share + like = Going to heaven 5. Too hurried or impulsive in sharing an article that wounds the ego or feeling. Even though I shared my knowledge on healthy internet to a small group of young people, I do hope that my peers of young generation would understand the implication of sharing the news without checking the truthiness of the content. Therefore, I encouraged them for filtering the news before sharing it. |
Yes it is, Rohan. Thank you for your concern
Posted 28-03-2017 14:57
Sure, Cheonghan
Posted 28-03-2017 14:56
Aptly reported Ida. Social media is so easily influenced by fake news. We must filter & check before sharing. Hoax is deadly.
Posted 16-03-2017 18:46
Idea, thank you for the report. I see you are doing your job as an ambassador with a great passion for Smart, Creative and Productive Internet. Also you seem to be well aware of the internet. How we should use it, what the pros and cons are. For the next report could you tell us how your knowledge of internet could be beneficial to dealing with problems of any environmental issues?
Posted 14-03-2017 17:22
Thank you Daon...
Posted 14-03-2017 00:48
Hi Ida! Thanks for sharing your report!
I'm glad that your session is ended with a lot of laugh and fun!
This must be really helpful for students and reliable uses of internet:)
Posted 12-03-2017 15:37
Okay, thank you Ouro. Small actions can lead to a great impact.
Posted 11-03-2017 20:15
Yes, Arushi, right now people easily trust hoax. That is why I wish that people would check and re-check first, before very sharing the news. It's away to prevent hoax.
Posted 11-03-2017 20:14
Thank you for picking such an important topic for this report as well as your session. It's really great that through such a session, you cautioned them of internet's reliability.
Posted 11-03-2017 03:47
I wish you to continue this way and to become a well-known protectorat of pour nature
Posted 11-03-2017 00:38
Thann you for all the job you have alredy doing for the world
Posted 11-03-2017 00:37
My good leader
Posted 11-03-2017 00:36
Hi Ida
Posted 11-03-2017 00:36