CoastChella is spearheaded by Bring Back The Color, Let's Do It Philippines, Hatch Eco Ideas, Inc., Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative - Philippines, and the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines in celebration of the International Day for Biodiversity. It is one of the seven YSEALI YOUnified for 1Earth youth-led environmentally-themed events of YSEALI Alumni all over the Philippines.
CoastChella aimed to develop young leaders for the Earth, but it was that and more. It created a family willing to fight for Mother Nature. Stay tuned for more actions from this amazing bunch!
**Special thanks to Eco-Tunza Generation for the goods they sent**
thanks for sharing
Posted 06-02-2018 21:54
good report
Posted 06-02-2018 21:54
Angel, thank you for your report. The festival seems so exciting. I wish it would become bigger in the future. Whenever you hold an event or participate in one please write about it. You are inspiring changes.
Posted 13-06-2017 00:04
Hi Angel! Thanks for sharing your report on environmental festival:)
I could feel exciting mood from the pictures above!!
Hope there would be more festivals like this so that people could easily join.
Posted 10-06-2017 11:26