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Living Green Awareness Event for children at India Club in Dubai

by Aaditya Singh | 06-07-2017 03:55 recommendations 4

It gives me a great sense of achievement to share my first experience in organizing an awareness event as a Tunza Eco-generation ambassador.

Details of Event

The event was organized on 2nd July 2017, at the India Club in Dubai, for 15 children between the age-group of 6 to 12 years, attending a summer camp at the Club.

Resource used

I used the Eco generation School Kit- 'Living Green' to present the Green Living concept to the children, projected on a large screen.

Promoting Tunza Ecogeneration

I started the presentation with an introduction about Tunza Ecogeneration. I showed them the website and explained to the children how they can start reading the posts even if they are not old enough to become members. 

I told them about the various learning resources on the website as also the wealth of opportunities and contests that members have access to.  I briefly shared my own experiences through the last four years journey with Tunza Ecogen Forum.

How I adapted the presentation to suit the audience

With respect to the Living Green presentation, the School Kit made my job very easy.  However, considering the age of the younger members of the group, very often I simplified my explanations as some of the words were not known to them.

For example, while explaining 'sustainable living', I started by giving them an example that if we go on a week-long picnic and finish all our food in the first day itself, we will have to starve for the rest of the week. Thus we need to ensure that our consumption is not higher than the supply and the same applies to natural resources too.

For explaining wise use of 'non renewable resources', before I explained the specific details,  I told them that I had got a gift for each one of them. But if the children who came first get greedy and take more than one gift, I will run out of gifts, for those who come later. Similarly we need to ensure that when we have limited supply of resources, we consume them wisely.

Topics covered

Thus engaging the audience, through a descriptive and interactive audio-visual presentation, I effectively introduced the theme and the related contemporary issues. I touched on all components of the  'Living Green' School Kit including 'Sustainable Agriculture', 'Green Energy', 'Green Construction', 'Green Travel' and 'Green Consumption'. The children were also prodded to implement and adopt a Green lifestyle through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), by Saving Energy and Water, Eating green and Planting green.

Unfortunately I could not engage them in any 'hands on' activities as I was given only a half hour slot. However, the young attendees participated enthusiastically and wholeheartedly. I asked them questions intermittently and clarified their doubts to hold their attention and to ensure that the session was not just a one way flow of information. 

Last but not the least!
Before concluding, I handed out goody bags for all attendees with stationery gifts from Tunza Ecogeneration, and eco friendly pencils and pens, in addition to other small gifts that I had personally arranged (New unused items that I had at home and did not need- such as Hobby kits, Photo Frames, Painting sets, Geometry boxes etc.). I had packed these giveaways in used paper bags to emphasis the importance of reducing and reusing in our daily lives.  

I also presented the Ecogen giveaways and a Jute File Folder, all in the Ecogen bag to Ms. Pansy Lobo, the Facility Manager at the India Club who was the VIP Guest at the event. She was very appreciative of the same.

To conclude my report

Growing up with a healthy dose of environmental awareness, I do believe that young children are more receptive to such initiatives. Furthermore if we catch them young, the awareness grows with them and it takes no extra effort to drive home the need to adopt a green lifestyle. My young friends enjoyed the session and were left with ample food for thought, along with a clear message about the benefits of a green lifestyle.

The GroupGift for VIP GuestSome parents too attendedDuring the PresentationSchool Kit- A Handy ResourceBefore the PresentationPreparing the Goody BagsPacking the Promotional Goods in bags


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Joy for acknowledging my report with your warm comment.<3
    Posted 22-07-2017 01:09

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you mentor Han. Yes, this was only the foundation and I plan to hold further events.
    Posted 22-07-2017 01:07

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you mentor Daon. You never fail to appreciate us positively :). When I spoke to the young children, I thought of the time not too long ago when I was their age and considered what I knew at that time. Thereafter I tried to think of suitable examples from our lives that could help explain concepts that were new to them
    Posted 22-07-2017 01:05

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Dharmendra. Appreciation from senior and experienced members like you means a lot to me. Your commitment is indeed inspiring and I hope to learn more from organizing and attending such events, as you have advised.
    Posted 22-07-2017 01:02

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks a lot Chilla. By calling me Ambassador, you make me feel really important! :') and i am all charged to continue my green journey faster than before! xD
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:59

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    You are so right Sakshi, Tunza E-Gen has indeed given us an opportunity to inspire and be inspired. Thanks for your appreciation! :)
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:56

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Anthony, for your valuable suggestion. I have all their details and plan to send them follow up e-mails as also conduct another workshop for them and other children shortly, wherein I will reinforce topics discussed earlier and also introduce a new topic! :D
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:55

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Razaan, appreciate your kind words!
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:52

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Arushi for your warm comments. Tunza E-Gen and other inspirational members like you have always motivated me on the path of promoting environmental awareness and conservation.
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:51

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Valerie, Tunza Egen has made it very easy for all of us to organise such events. You can simply download the resources and start even with the children in your locality!
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:40

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Varun... Bro, I wish you were free to join me that day. You were busy with your cricket camp and for sure next time we will do it together.
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:39

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Viraaj for appreciating my efforts.
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:38

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Anishka for your appreciation.
    Posted 22-07-2017 00:38

  • says :
    Aaditya, thank you for your report. Organizing such an event is definitely a hard work, but you??ve made it and you should be proud of yourself. This was your first one and I am sure others would follow soon. Keep on with your passion!
    Posted 15-07-2017 22:31

  • says :
    Hi Aaditya! Thanks for sharing your great experience with us:)
    I was really impressed by the way you explaned the concept of 'sustainable living' to kids. This definately is not easy work to deliver its meaning to young kids, but I think your example was easy and clear enough! Thanks again for your effort.
    Posted 15-07-2017 21:02

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Wow! I really appreciate your efforts, Aditya. Organizing environmental awareness workshops for children is always a great idea and a great sense of achievement itself and I do agree with you that young chidren are more receptive to such initiatives. I myself have organized more than 40 such workshops in last 15-16 months and i can tell you that the more you organize such events the more you learn, grow and achieve. Keep going and inspiring all of us. Thanks for such an inspiring and well structured report :)
    Posted 12-07-2017 06:40

  • says :
    Wow.Ambassador that was a great one there.Wishing you great luck for your to come initiatives.Raising awerness to the young about caring for nature and the society as a whole is a great walk for a greener tomorrow. Kudos bro!
    Posted 08-07-2017 00:37

  • says :
    Kudos Aaditya Singh for the awesome event and the detailed report. I love the way you explained sustainable living and the wise use of non-renewable resources to the Children using simple illustrations. More power to your elbow.
    Posted 07-07-2017 17:46

  • says :
    events like this always inspire youth to work toward betterment of environment. the way you have been putting in so much efforts inspire me, i thank eco generation for creating a platform like this where we can be inspired by others effort
    Posted 07-07-2017 17:29

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Hi, Aaditya Singh. I must commend your highly detailed report divided into short paragraphs with the accompanying amazing pictures. What got my attention was how you simplified 'Sustainable energy' for the children. That was really smart of you. Your audience was very young indeed but like you said, we need to catch them young. More power to your elbow. I suggest you follow them up so they won't forget all you told them in a hurry.
    Posted 07-07-2017 05:36

  • Razaan Abakar says :
    @Aaditya, I loved your concept, keep up your good work and thanks for sharing. ^_^

    Posted 07-07-2017 03:38

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Kudos to your efforts in educating these younger students for environmental values and sustainability ethics. I really appreciate the way you conducted this and tried to make them understand the meaning and concept of sustainability. Good to see you passionately promoting Tunza Eco Gen as well among peers and their parents. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 07-07-2017 00:19

  • says :
    I hope we have this kind of activity here in the Philippines!
    Posted 06-07-2017 17:47

  • says :
    Great effort Aaditya. Its really a good initiative that you are taking influencing children i.e the grass root level and the future generation. its really nice the way you are taking your time and effort towards conservation of the environment. Hope i too can help in the future.
    Posted 06-07-2017 17:04

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Very nice event. I also liked the way you explained the meaning of sustainable living to the children. Thanks.
    Posted 06-07-2017 04:44

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