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Clean water and sanitation...sdg6

by | 11-07-2017 16:33 recommendations 3

The ambitious nature of the SDG?s continually pose the call for all to get involved in our bid as a global community in attaining all targets.

On the 7th of July 2017, my organisation alliance for environmental intervention in collaboration with Tunza eco generation and the VSO alumni visited the Abavana junior high school in Accra for an SDG awareness creation program which centred on the sixth sustainable development goal (clean water and sanitation).

We began by introducing the students to all the sustainable development goals, their input and their relevance to global development and integration. After this general introduction, the students were grouped into four (4) focus groups to discuss ??clean water and sanitation??.

At the end of the discussion students voluntarily represented their groups to make a presentation on their findings and the following were the issues brought up

*Illegal mining was implicated as one menace destroying our water bodies.

*Negligence on the part of the citizenry people seem to blame the government for even issues that arise in their homes.

*The use of water bodies and their surroundings as places of convenience.

*Inadequate toilet facilities in most Ghanaian homes

*Indiscriminate littering of our communities/homes causing chocked gutters and smelly environments.

The above were among a host of challenges identified by these students and to address these, they suggested the following solutions which I find very compelling and relevant

**Ghana?s environmental laws are required to be enforced to their maximum impact (e.g. It is required of every land lord to build a toilet facility in their home).

**Clamp down on illegal mining totally.

**The citizenry must be encouraged to be more concerned about our water and the sanitation of our environment.

***we had photoshoots and distribution of educational materials from tunza eco generation.

Group photo

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  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:18

  • says :
    good report
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:18

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Great event, Bornaventure. Introducing SDGs to young minds will plant the seeds of knowledge and awareness in their hearts, thus ensuring an environment friendly generation. I wish you power with your efforts.
    Posted 21-07-2017 23:28

  • says :
    Bornventure, thank you for your report. Look at the picture! How everybody is smiling! Awareness programs are the most effective way of protecting environment. And you have made it again. Keep on with your passion!
    Posted 19-07-2017 15:53

  • says :
    Thank you daon, my mentor.. your words always encourage me to do more!
    Posted 17-07-2017 04:33

  • says :
    Hi Bornaventure! Thanks for sharing great report:)
    I really admire what you have done so far, including this one!
    I believe educating is the most effective way to engage people to voluntaily join the environmental actions. Keep it up!
    Posted 15-07-2017 23:09

  • Clement Kandodo says :
    Good work, keep the fire burning man

    Posted 13-07-2017 20:07

  • says :
    Thank you Razaan
    Posted 12-07-2017 23:53

  • Razaan Abakar says :
    @ Bornaventure, I love how you can engage the students and gave them the opportunity to come up with great ideas to improve your environment, keep up the amazing work. ^_^
    Posted 12-07-2017 19:13

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi for the kind words.
    Posted 12-07-2017 16:18

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Kudos to your (organisation's) efforts in holding such SDG awareness programs. This event educated youngsters about SDGs. The issues raised were indeed critical issues directly linked to their living, the issues or challenges where they are stakeholders and they can contribute to overcoming them. Really appreciable. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing and inspiring, Bornaventure.
    Posted 12-07-2017 06:33

  • says :
    Thank you Yvonne
    Posted 12-07-2017 05:30

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    Great work, Kwame!
    Posted 12-07-2017 03:18

  • says :
    Thank you very much Anthony, l'll be sure to follow through with your suggestion.
    Mining (illegal) happens to be a big problem here...even though the challenge posed by other factors are also significant.
    Posted 12-07-2017 02:46

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Not too far away in Nigeria here we are experiencing similar problem - besides mining. The state where I reside has a major river dissecting it (River Benue) yet we have to buy water from private sources because the river is grossly polluted and the public water providers are not efficient. The issues raised are in no doubt critical to the provision of portable water. Please make sure your findings and reports get to the appropriate authority. Thank you, Kwame for your interesting report.
    Posted 11-07-2017 21:36

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