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A looming crisis: Increasing population, depleting resources.

by | 19-07-2017 17:18 recommendations 1

The approximate population of Pakistan stands at 185 million, according to most official estimates. Considering the challenge of collecting accurate data, it is safe to assume that in reality the figure is closer to 200 million. The country boasts the sixth-largest population in the world and carries the distinction of having one of the highest fertility and birth rates.

According to UN projections, if fertility rates remain constant, Pakistan's population will jump to 261 million by 2030 and nearly 380 million by 2050. Given past trends, hoping for a decline in fertility and birth rates would be unrealistic – in fact the country would be lucky if rates remain stable and do not actually increase.

It is often challenging to grasp the significance of statistics when dealing with population issues. Considering that the current population of Pakistan is around 185 million, think about the state of affairs in the country. Crippling blackouts, dwindling water supplies, and natural gas shortages plague most parts of the country – both urban and rural.

Now plug in 261 million or 380 million people to the above scenario and factor in that successive governments have made virtually no serious effort to address rapidly dwindling resources. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if Pakistan continues on this trajectory, the country will face a devastating scarcity of resources within two decades, the effects of which are already being felt by most of the population.

It is true that many of Pakistan's resource problems stem from poor planning and blatant mismanagement. Exploiting new resources, repairing/maintaining existing infrastructure, and smart allocation plans can reduce many shortfalls. However, even if this could be achieved – the dismal track-record of previous governments strongly suggests otherwise – the exploding population will continue to strain the country's finite resources at levels which are simply unsustainable.

A closer look at one vital resource in particular highlights the severity of the problem. A country is designated water-scarce when annual availability dips below 1,000 cubic meters per capita. In Pakistan, water availability dropped from 5,000 cubic meters per capita in the 1950s to current levels of under 1,500 cubic meters. Furthermore, the annual water demand is expected to exceed availability by 100 billion cubic meters by 2025, if not earlier. This shortfall alone far surpasses present supply and storage capacity. In a nutshell, Pakistan will likely be a water-scarce nation within a decade.

Closely tied to dwindling water supplies is the rapid loss of agricultural land. Pakistan loses thousands of acres of fertile land every year due to poor farming, irrigation, and drainage practices. This naturally places great strain on remaining land resources and threatens food security. Considering that 90 per cent of the country's water is used for agricultural purposes – leaving precious little for drinking, sanitation, and industrial use – Pakistan's resource dilemma further intensifies since two of its most vital resources are being depleted at alarming rates.

Today, Pakistan faces a host of serious problems ranging from terrorism to economic collapse. Given the tumultuous history of the country and the seemingly endless string of crises, it is easy to understand why most Pakistanis remain focussed on the present and overlook long-term challenges facing the country. Yet, if drastic measures are not taken to address the population boom and resource depletion, the future looks very bleak indeed.


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  • says :
    its hard time to take initiative.
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:12

  • says :
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:12

  • says :
    Muhammad, thank you for your report. Population and resources, I believe this is fundamental dilemma we always have. Numerous experts have been trying to solve the problem, although there isn't one perfect solution. Let's see how it turns out to be in the near future.
    Posted 25-07-2017 00:53

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Yes Muhammad, it is true that as of today Pakistan is facing a lot of environmental deterioration due to population increase, resource depletion and economic crisis like terrorism. It is disheartening to hear about the crippling blackouts, dwindling water supplies, and natural gas shortages plaguing the people. But I'm sure if people adopt a more long term mindset, both environment and economic problems can be controlled.
    Posted 21-07-2017 19:43

  • says :
    Hi Muhammad! Thanks for telling us about resource depletion issue in Pakistan. More than often, environmental issue including resource deleption is easily overlooked because its impact is long-term and hard to realize until when it gets really serious. Hope more people get to realize its importance as well as urgency of the problem.
    Posted 21-07-2017 18:48

  • Prayash Pathak (Chalise) says :
    Indeed the increasing population but depleting resources is the major problem faced by many of the countries. The resources are fixed and cannot be increased but appropriate measures to ensure that the population growth can be maintained should be taken.
    Posted 20-07-2017 13:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing the deteriorating scenario in Pakistan. As much as we hear in news and read in papers, it is quite evident that mis-management / improper administration is one of the major challenges faced by Pakistan. Mis governance is going on and Pakistan (economy and environment) is going down. I sincerely hope that government gets wisdom and tackles the real issues on priority.
    Posted 19-07-2017 22:26

  • says :
    This is the most concern issue of today for our sustainable future earth
    Posted 19-07-2017 17:45

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