The AVYP Innaugural programme focuses on the thematic area of environmental conservation as we understand the importance of inculcating the value of environmental conservation to the youth of region. This programme is commited to developing a group of ASEAN youth eco-leaders : Through environmental education and by providing a platform for ASEAN youth to participate in and experience volunteerism projects by working with multi-sector levels of communities-children, NGO?s, researchers, government officials and other in corserving the local environment.
This programme held in Malaysia, 15 August-20 September 2013. After the selection, I and Rida Nurafiati selected as one of the participants of this programme who will be in Malaysia for 5 weeks. The first week programme, all the Asean Youth Eco-Leaders got a capacity building and orientation about the programme, unite as ASEAN country to prepare Asean community 2015, etc. The Next three weeks, The participants divided into four site projects which located in Malaysia. The Site Projects are in Mersing, Kp. Dew. Setiu Wetlands and Kuala Selangor Nature Park.
During the three weeks in site project, the partcipants should do some projects with local community to make an environmental action. And after this three weeks, the last week is the sharing session what we get during in the site projects. the experience, knowledge what we get from the project site as a basic to make an environmental project when we come back into my country. This would be another great experience to participate in this programme. (Reported by Bambang Sutrisno, Indonesia)
Thank you for sharing about this great initiative :D
Posted 26-08-2013 14:47
Congratulations :)
Posted 26-08-2013 14:11
Posted 26-08-2013 03:45
Article with picture so nice.
Posted 26-08-2013 01:37
Article with picture so nice.
Posted 26-08-2013 01:36
Impressive! Keep on sharing the updates!
Posted 26-08-2013 01:34
The picture says it all, enthusiasm spread all across.
Posted 26-08-2013 01:28
Keep it up, Bambang
Posted 26-08-2013 01:00
Thanks for the article!!><
Posted 25-08-2013 13:32
Oh impressive ! we can see many environmentalists with you in this programme , all the best Bambang.
Posted 25-08-2013 13:07