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Soil and Its Power

by | 31-07-2017 23:27 recommendations 1

I love how I remember someone from a video that I watched said "the answer to our climate problems is right beneath our feet" as I did more research, it is in fact probably is the answer. 

We somehow made the term "carbon" a bad thing, when in fact it is not. We are made of carbon. Our atmosphere is made up of carbon. Our fossils are made up of carbon. We are carbon. 

The problem lies in it's balance. The more we dig up fossil fuels and release it in our atmosphere, the more we put the carbon there, making the Earth heat up. The ocean absorbs these carbon and heats up too, killing marine creatures.

How can we kill off carbon though? The answer is we don't. We just balance it out. We just give it back to where it actually came from. Below our feet, in the soil.

By planting more trees and by doing proper agriculture, we let the plants absorb the heat and turn it into other things, even starch.

I love this idea of planting more. Giving back the carbon we so wrongly took from it's rightful home. 

It isn't the enemy. We are. But we can change it all. 

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  • says :
    thanks man
    Posted 03-02-2018 18:34

  • says :
    you explained very well
    Posted 03-02-2018 18:33

  • says :
    Angel, thank you for your report. How you introduce us to a new perspective was interesting. We usually get to think with out any reflection that carbon is hazardous, but we ourselves are definitely made of carbon. Thank you for reminding me!
    Posted 06-08-2017 21:16

  • says :
    I love how simple your explaination is and I totally agree with you! Thanks for sharing this with us!
    Posted 06-08-2017 15:01

  • Prayash Pathak (Chalise) says :
    Yes, soil is the most degraded resource in our world and yet the proper manipulation and utilization of it is the only way to conserve it. All of our protection schemes like afforestation, water conservation, pollution control and others depend on the efficient use of soil.
    Posted 01-08-2017 17:44

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you for sharing this simple logic Angel. this is a really easy way to explain the concept of carbon cycle to small children too. It seems so simple and easy when put this way. I am going to use this way of explanation when I conduct any awareness event for children in future.
    Indeed we have to balance whatever carbon we are unearthing from under our feet. Carbon is a part of nature and it is we who have turned it into a harmful agent of climate change. As you rightly pointed out, it is time to put it back where it belongs, by planting more trees.
    Posted 01-08-2017 04:46

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I remember reading in my high school Biology about 'Carbon Cycle'. You reminded me of that and yes you are right that carbon itself is not bad. It is the basic building block of life & without it, our planet might be little more than a dull rock. Carbon has gotten a bad rap lately. Infact, it is an important resource in the entire ecosystem. The problem is an imbalance in carbon. Excess of everything is bad. Presently by destroying trees, using chemicals, fossil fuels etc we are emitting more of carbon which is creating an imbalance resulting in climate change which is further threatening everything from agriculture to survival. We should plant more and more trees to create carbon sinks. I appreciate the way you have linked up things and tried to make us understand the real reason behind the catastrophe. Thanks for sharing your interesting viewpoint.
    Posted 01-08-2017 02:23

  • says :
    Hi Angel! Thanks for sharing your thought on carbon emission and what we should do to give it back to nature. I liked the way you explained carbon balance in the nature. It is so true that nature has its own balance, and what we have to do is just keep it and bring the balance back if we destroyed it. Thanks for great report.
    Posted 01-08-2017 00:48

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