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Launching the birthday tree in primary schools kicks off

by | 02-08-2017 00:39 recommendations 1

The last week of July was the week that opened the birthday tree launch.The launch was opened up at Dream Africa school in Jinja Uganda. The children welcomed he launch and they were enthusiastically willing to take it upon themselves to plant a tree each birthday. 
The event was opened up with a story about environment to allow children have an articulated view about the environment, and why we  we need trees. 

There were three trees that were planted one of which was planted by the children, another was planted by the school Patron and the last one was planted by me the Eco generation Ambassador. 

Active pupils were given prizes, and the patron to was rewarded with a Tunza USB card in appreciation of being able to mobilize the children. 
picture with the children birthday treebirthday treeone of the environmentalists story tellingplanting the treegroup picture on the launch

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  • says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 03-02-2018 18:06

  • says :
    it must be revolutionized.
    Posted 03-02-2018 18:06

  • says :
    Thank you guys for the motivation! Mother earth must be happy. Together we going to do this. Imagine a world without trees!!!!
    Posted 24-08-2017 17:38

  • says :
    Joanita, thank you for your report. Planting a tres is always worthy and unforgettable experience. I with the kids enjoyed it and I thank you for letting them have the chance.
    Posted 06-08-2017 21:21

  • says :
    Just word word: 'WOW!'. Such a great initiative and keep up your good efforts! Thank you for sharing this with us!
    Posted 06-08-2017 15:03

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Joanita, this is a great initiative. Congarts for the same. You are sowing seeds of environmental awareness in young minds. As they grow the awareness will grow as well. As they tend for their trees- they will fall in love with nature and we can hope for a greener tomorrow.
    Posted 05-08-2017 01:10

  • says :
    Hi Joanita, thanks for sharing your report on tree planting event:)
    Trees are crucial components of our nature and i believe that kids could feel this through this campaign. Thanks for your great efforts and initiative!
    Posted 04-08-2017 20:16

  • says :
    Wonderful initiative Joanita! Perfect way to instill the sense of environmentalism in young minds.
    Posted 03-08-2017 21:14

  • says :
    Great work with the kids, Joanita. Children learn faster when they are having fun. It's is wonderful to see how they are contributing to the preservation of our planet by planting trees during. I hope the school's patron sustains this initiative. Great work.
    Posted 02-08-2017 13:44

  • Christian Gonzalez says :
    Joanita, thank you for telling us about your project. I think it is really imperative to instill a passion for environmental conservation and awareness in children at a young age so that they grow up to enact the change necessary to preserve our planet. I wish you all the best for your future initiatives and hope you keep us posted.
    Posted 02-08-2017 10:39

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Hi Joanita, I really love your initiative. If the birthday tree is sustained, within a few years the school will be blossoming with lovely trees. Kudos and keep up the good work.
    Posted 02-08-2017 04:40

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Its really wonderful to know about your such great initiation..
    :) A single tree brings a single hope to grin green smile.
    Such type campaign should to launched time to time in different places.
    Posted 02-08-2017 03:27

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