Heat Island describs built up areas that are hotter than nearby rural area. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be (1-3¡ÆC) wamer than ist surroundings. In the evening, the difference can be as high 12¡ÆC. it is appreciated by temperature difference at night and during the day, and the weakness of the winds. Urban Heat Island (UHI) is very noticeable during summer and winter.
Generally, the UHIs are caused by human activities, are from the modification of land surfaces.
- The building of houses, shops and industrialbuilding can creat a UHI. Because the building materials are usually very good at insulating, or holding in heat. This insulation makes the areas around buildings warmer.
- The Waste energy escaped by physical activities, people's tools like cars and factories, are in form of heat so it contributes to increase the temperature
The overpopulation can create also a UHI, because a small place with more people involves the construction of building so closely.
The UHIs affect the climate and the environment. So, they make environment suffers. The UHIs effects are :
- Increased energy consumption : it is marked by the increasing of energy demand for air conditioning durung summer with increased temperature.
- Elevated greenhouse gas emission and air pollution by using fossil fuel for energy production. It will cause global warming and climate change with air pollution.
- Poses danger to aquatic systems : the high temperatures in urban areas can heat stormwater runoff. It will flows into storm drainage systems and raises water temperatures, the the aquatic systems will be disturbed.The UHI provokes the thermal pollution. Then, the water quality also suffers.
- Discomfort and danger to human health : Because higher air pollution increased the diseases like headhaches, heat stroke and heat cramps.
- Secondary impacts on weatger and climate : the UHIs may have impacts on the local weathear and climate. It leads the changes of local wind to thunderstorm, the formation of fog, clouds, precipitation rates and humidity.
- Impacts on animals : the UHI perturb the ecosystem with the high temperature. Because it limits the essentail activities of the organims such as metabolism, breading and reproduction.
To reduce the UHIs and to preserve our city, we should :
- Use light-colored concrete and white roofs which reflect up 50% more light and cut down the ambient temperature
- Implant green roofs and vegetation cover which will be insulators during summer and will decrease the UHI efefct. Plants contribute to cool the surrounding environments
- Plant trees in cities :trees will absorb the temperature and the carbon dioxide. Then, It will reduce the heat.
- Implement Green parking lots
- Implement and sensitize about heat reduction policies and rules
So to preserve our cities, we should take action, should use to have eco-gesture and reduce our activities generating more waste energy.
Razanamanana, thank you for your report. This was a good introduction to Urban Heat Island. You have suggested us some solutions and I believe some of them are the ones that everybody can do and the others need to be done by governments. Why don't you try some of these and write an article how it was.
Posted 20-08-2017 19:29
Hi Razanamanana! Thanks for sharing your report on Urban Heat Island.
Your report well explains the baisc conecept of this phenomenon and its impacts.
When it comes to solution, is there any regulations or policy to solve this problem?
Posted 19-08-2017 16:19
Hi Daniel, thank you. It's necessary to sensitize people about the UHIs
Posted 15-08-2017 14:27
It's a pleasure Monyratana. It helps us to increase our awareness about UHIs
Posted 15-08-2017 14:26
Thank you Arushi. Yeah, we should take measures to reduce the UHIs. If the phenomenon persists, we are in warming global
Posted 15-08-2017 14:24
Perfect report goes to the point, and as Arushi says, the necessary measures must be taken to prevent urban centers from having a climatic and social system that is debasing
Posted 14-08-2017 23:51
I have never of Urban Heat Island until now, so thank you for sharing this. Very informative indeed.
Posted 14-08-2017 22:48
There is a need for everyone to understand and apply mitigation and adaptation
strategies and measures for counteracting the global Urban Heat Islands phenomenon. Thanks for an informative, quick and well-organised report.
Posted 14-08-2017 18:14