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Urban Heat Island n Kathmandu, Nepal

by Prakriti Dhakal | 18-08-2017 13:49 recommendations 0

?Heat island intensity is greatest in areas with dense construction and little vegetation." And the Pathetic "Kathmandu Valley" 

As we know that ?The term ?heat island? describes built up areas that are hotter than nearby rural areas. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be 1.8𔃃.4?F (1𔃁?C) warmer than its surroundings. In the evening, the difference can be as high as 22?F (12?C). Heat islands can affect communities by increasing summertime peak energy demand, air conditioning costs, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, heat-related illness and mortality, and water quality.?

It has many adverse effects: 

1. Increased energy consumption

2. Poses danger to aquatic systems

3. Elevated greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution

4. Discomfort and danger to human health

5. Secondary impacts on weather and climate

6. Impacts on animals

Now lets talk about the Urban Heat effects in Kathmandu, Nepal: 

The Kathmandu valley, like all valleys, is subject to cold air accumulation.  During the day, the sun heats the valley floor.  The warm air begins to rise, creating wind, and the cold air ponds in the valley. During the summertime, this can lead to thunderstorms as warm, moist air rushes out of the valley into the higher topography.Urban heat island effect: in Kathmandu, a growing population in conjunction with a high rate of urban development contribute to higher city temperatures.  The images below show the factors that contribute to this heat island effect in Kathmandu including high population density and land use changes.

The situation in Other cities is also same as in Pokhara Where i am Living And my hometown chitwan. 

What Can be The Solutions to Reduce URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECTS??? 

  •  We can Build green infrastructure improvements into regular street upgrades and capital improvement projects to ensure continued investment in heat-reducing practices throughout your community.
  • The most effective Plant trees and other vegetation—Space in urban areas might be limited, but you can easily integrate small green infrastructure practices into grassy or barren areas, vacant lots, and street rights-of-way.
  • Cheapest and The easiest way we Can build green roofs -Green roofs are an ideal heat island reduction strategy, providing both direct and ambient cooling effects. Private development incentives also can offer benefits. 
The more we are aware The More Greenery we will have so lets transform our community one project at a time by planting native, drought-tolerant shade trees and smaller plants such as shrubs, grasses, and groundcover wherever possible.

Green Smiles!! :) 

References: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mso/educate/wind1.html

"National Population Census 2011". National Planning Commission Secretariat, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Government of Nepal. September 2011. http://census.gov.np/

Urban island effect Urban island effectUrban island effectUrban island eff3ctUrban island effect

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  • Dormant user Prakriti Dhakal
  • recommend


  • says :
    have to take proper step
    Posted 02-02-2018 16:40

  • says :
    Posted 02-02-2018 16:40

  • says :
    Prakriti, thank you for your report. This was a good introduction to Urban Heat Island in Nepal. You have suggested us good solutions to the issue. If you find any actual cases with these solutions, please tell us about it.
    Posted 21-08-2017 00:52

  • says :
    Hi Prakriti! Thanks for sharing your report on UHI in your country.
    Your report well explains current status and how should we deal with it.
    The graphs and pictures clearly shows how fast the changes have been made.
    Thanks for great report and green smiles:)

    Posted 19-08-2017 17:38

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