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Bunjee jumping the most thrilling experience!!

by Prakriti Dhakal | 26-10-2017 13:03 recommendations 0

A few days ago, I bungee jumped from Nepal?s first and only tower Bungee, HighGround Bungee & Swing, Located at a convenient 20 minutes from Pokhara Lakeside, pleased to ge* a spellbinding view of the Himalayas, the hills and the rivers that will take your breath away.That was one of the most thrilling and exhilarating experiences in my life.

Take the leap of faith
I learned   - Close your eyes, jump and everything will work out.

 What I learnt from bungee jumping, is that the longer we wait to take the leap, the more time we have to make excuses and convince ourself to back out. Sometimes in life we just have to take that leap of faith. 

Live in the moment on Jump in the face of fear hanging in mid-air for a minute or two with nothing but the bungee cord keeps us attached to the bridge!!

During that moment, time seemed to stand still. I just spread my arms out and let go and enjoyed the moment. I felt a sense of euphoria followed by a feeling of peace and calm. It was such a Zen moment for me.

Bunjeee BunjeeBunjeeBunjeeBunjeeBunjeeBunjeeBunjee

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  • Dormant user Prakriti Dhakal
  • recommend


  • says :
    thrilling man
    Posted 30-01-2018 11:35

  • says :
    I had once
    Posted 30-01-2018 11:35

  • says :
    Hi, Prakriti! Thank you for sharing your exciting story about bungee jumping! I feel exhilarated just by looking at your bungee photos! :D The view of Nepal's nature is truly stunning. The beautiful environment makes me want to visit that place in the future. Way to go!
    Posted 27-10-2017 17:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! You brave girl. Kee it up. Nice pics...I am so scared of such fall from heights.
    Posted 27-10-2017 00:27

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Congratulations Prakriti on your achievement :)
    Posted 26-10-2017 16:06

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