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Fresh air factory

by | 30-08-2013 04:47 recommendations 0

Fresh air factory is like a metaphor, a reply to the industry that has only polluted air factories.  Over the years a new concept was developed to describe the impact of each person on the environment: carbon footprint.

The concept explanation is simple: just consider it to be the sum of the effects of a person?s daily activities has on the environment. From power up to travel, food and clothing we wear, our actions involve carbon dioxide emissions have a direct impact on accelerating climate change.

To help reduce the carbon footprint and better influence the environment in which we operate Mega Image launched in May this competition for a cleaner future. The Mega Image launched a contest that will select three projects to support environmental protection activities and in particular the effect of reducing the carbon footprint.  Fresh air factory is a project developed by Mega Image in partnership with a number of its suppliers shall be open to all NGOs in Romania, which are active in environmental protection.

Therefore, the carbon footprint is not only produced by each individual, but is also intrinsic to its existence on Earth. Whatever his occupation, chances are that the person will use the computer to watch television, to use iron will drive a car, make hot showers, etc... All these actions produce carbon dioxide (CO2), a highly dangerous gas. Its consequences are visible and known by all: global warming, pollution, decimation of natural habitats and species that inhabit them.

Junior Achievement and Mega Image have developed an educational project to support youth for sustainability and ecological intelligence to form among secondary school students.

Through studies conducted for the project was found that the amount of carbon emissions could be significantly reduced in the future through better education of Romanian consumers still in school, causing long-term change in consumer habits such as choosing efficient appliances in terms of energy use of recyclable and biodegradable packaging products, means of public transport or cars with low fuel consumption.


Project ended with a competition. Middle school students and teachers in 78 cities across the country have coalesced efforts and answered affirmatively to participate in the contest challenge of reducing carbon emissions through responsible behavior and local actions with real impact and managed to save in 8 weeks 674 5 tones of CO2. This value implies a reduction of 0.7 tons of CO2 per capita, representing 7.6% of the average annual emissions per capita in Romania (9.2t).

So finally, which school reduced the greatest amount of CO2 in 8 weeks? win the competition. A total number of   123 teachers and 6,228 students from 102 participating schools contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gases by developed environmentally responsible behavior and activities in the community.

During the competition, students have accumulated points by carrying out responsible actions at home, in school and in their free time, making friends and being aware of the environmental impact of decisions in everyday life environment. They also identified with coordinating teachers solutions to reduce carbon footprint by organizing environmental events during which they involved representatives from the local community: the planting of saplings of trees, selective collection and recycling, ecological activities of areas / objectives at local level implementation of objects from recycled materials.

The most responsible participants (class and school) which has win the title Factory Fresh Air  were awarded  during  the Business Hall of Fame , organized in Bucharest at the Romanian Athenaeum.

Environmental education competition factory fresh air was initiated considering the impact of climate change on nature and society, mainly due to the increasing trend in emissions of greenhouse gases, which places our country over the European average.



Source: http://www.mega-image.ro/fabrica-pentru-un-viitor-curat

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  • says :
    keep it up!
    Posted 02-09-2013 18:33

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    I believe that citizens have to raise awareness for this severe issue. People need to reduce carbon emission by starting from their own home. Their daily lives have to change. Thanks for this great information!
    Posted 31-08-2013 12:43

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing. this is what we're exactly looking for!!!
    Posted 31-08-2013 11:14

  • says :
    We need more events like these to promote and raise awareness of environmental issues occurring in current society. I believe this will be a valuable opportunity for citizens to acknowledge the self carbon prints that they produce in their daily lives, and actively seek for ways to reduce them.
    Posted 31-08-2013 10:56

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-08-2013 20:34

  • says :
    reducing our self carbon foot print will be the great self motivating initiative to reduce carbon emission.
    And the competition seems be very fruitful to reduce carbon emission in some extend
    Thank you for the article...
    Posted 30-08-2013 18:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Great and successful event , very interesting , thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-08-2013 16:19

  • says :
    thanks for sharing, guy
    Posted 30-08-2013 10:39

  • says :
    keep it up...
    Posted 30-08-2013 09:50

  • says :
    Wow that's fantastic, thanks for sharing :D
    Posted 30-08-2013 08:27

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