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Climate Change, Our Dirty Room or a Natural Disaster?

by Jeewon Shin | 26-03-2018 22:32 recommendations 1

The Earth's Cry of Help to Humans, Climate Change

(Picture by Jeewon Shin sjwctw@naver.com)


The Earth has been doing weird things, which people all over the world have noticed.  In Korea, the temperature recently went up as high as 22 degrees Celsius.  Then now it dramatically fell to 0 degrees and Koreans are still experiencing snowy days.  They are experiencing climate change in their daily lives.  The numerical value of fine dust and ultra-fine dust is at its highest and breaking records.  They had never had smog and fine dust as much as nowadays in their history.  Koreans are finally talking about global warming and recommending using public transportation.  The government is replacing public buses with electric buses and encouraging companies to run fewer factories.  Global warming has finally set its foot in this society and is harming public health.  It is also impacting further and further on the productivity of food.

(Picture = Jeewon Shin sjwctw@naver.com)

Climate change leaves a big scar in the food production. Korea is located near the middle latitude of Northern Hemisphere.  This means the country has enjoyed a high level of food productivity.  Climate change has caused less rain, higher temperature, and more days of cold and snow.  Much poorer product has been produced as the temperature gets more extreme.  They always had rainy season in July everywhere in Korea, but recently no rain at all in some regions.  This causes an impact on their daily eating style.  They usually have rice for meals and if they can?t harvest enough, the price would go higher and will affect its entire economy.

Korea is a peninsula or a piece of land surrounded by water with one side of the land connected to a mainland.  They also have huge fishery market which allows them to depend on fishery products as much as they do to agricultural products.  They have the second biggest fishery product consumption in the world.  According to a research by Korea Maritime Institute, the productivity of 2016 fell to 920,000 ton just in about 40 years.  The cause of this drop seems to be people?s endless fishing and pollution.


Global warming and climate change is what we have built for our future.  The Earth is our home and we have not cleaned our house for a while.  We have thrown away a lot of trash and now our home is crying out for help.  It is time for us to revive our life into eco-friendly world.  We, Koreans, should upgrade public transportation, if possible, into electric one and try to use it more instead of our own cars.


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  • Dormant user Jeewon Shin
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  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Jeewon!
    Korea is really undergoing a severe climate change. It shows drastic climate change as snowing in the middle of march and fine dust and ultra-fine dust at its highest and breaking records. As the report says, some actions are implemented by the government in domestic scale, however as these environmental issues are connected and responsible within every nation I believe more measurements should be practiced globally.
    Thanks for the well written report :)
    Posted 27-03-2018 13:59

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Very nice report. I loved the way you have explained by making pictures. Very truly said that Earth is our home and we need to clean it every day like we clean our house.
    Posted 26-03-2018 23:00

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