water and Wetland |
by Dibya Bhatta | 08-06-2018 15:19 0 |
Would you drink from a wetland? Probably not, when you think of the smelly, brown, stagnant water generally associated with swamps. But appearances can be deceiving. Wetlands do indeed help maintain both the quantity and quality of our water supplies. Consider the nature of wetlands more closely and the important role they serve in protecting water supplies for people as well as fish and wildlife becomes apparent. Wetlands act like giant sponges, absorbing and holding vast quantities of water, and releasing it slowly. Water gathers in wetlands from melting snows and spring rains, and flows gradually into nearby streams and rivers. The water held back by wetlands helps keep water levels up in rivers and ponds during the dry summer and early fall months. Thus, wetlands help maintain our surface water supplies by increasing the amount of water remaining in reservoirs during dry periods There is a connection between the river flowing above and the groundwater in the sand and gravel aquifer below. Pumping large quantities of water from water supply wells can draw water from the river down into the aquifer and into the well, in a process called "induced infiltration." Once again, the role wetlands play in maintaining river flows during dry spells contributes to the amount of water available for use by people. Large wetlands, as well as lakes and ponds, also maintain a higher level of groundwater in the surrounding area. Where people depend on shallow private wells, the effect of wetlands on maintaining local groundwater levels can help ensure a constant supply. What about water quality? How does all that mucky water in wetlands contribute to the crystal clear water pouring from your tap? Just as the spongy soil of wetlands absorbs water, it also removes many contaminants that otherwise would flow into surface waters or seep into groundwater. Water flow slows down in wetlands, allowing dirt and other sediments to settle out. Many pollutants in runoff from urban areas, lawns, and roadways, like lead, pesticides, and hydrocarbons, bind to sediments and the organic, mucky soils of wetlands. A process called denitrification is at work in wetland soils, whereby bacteria break down nitrates. Nitrates enter water from many sources, including septic systems, agricultural runoff, and fertilizer washed off lawns by rain. Nitrates can be toxic in excess amounts, particularly for infants. The bacteria that provide the service of removing these substances from water only occur in wet soils that lack oxygen. Wetland plants also absorb and use nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, helping to keep them out of rivers, lakes, and water supplies. So, the next time you drink a glass of cool, clear, refreshing water, remember to thank the wetlands that helped make it possible. Reference:Internet |
Thank you so much everyone
Posted 13-08-2018 19:33
Thank uou
Posted 22-06-2018 14:52
Hello Dibya
With water tabs around us we quite often forget about the self purifying ecosystems that we should conserve. The clean water that we get are actually available by a certain price abd we should remember that by conserving our wetlands we might be able to reduce the expense. Also if to consider the role that wet lands takes in the linked system it should be cared more!
Thanks for the report
Posted 13-06-2018 02:41
Hello Dibya, though modern water purifier does seem so neat and cool for providing clean water , we easily forget it is more definite performance and result of wetland to provide such clean water, and cleaner than what we drink from purifying tab added onto tap.
We understand theoretical orders and processes of wetland to provide clean water, but we cannot make water purifier like natural wetland :(
That's why we need to keep them safe from human activities and implementation of chemical compounds and others onto it.
Thanks for the good report!
Posted 11-06-2018 00:29
Okay i will rember importance of wetland and thank you for beautiful report.
Posted 09-06-2018 03:04
These are functions of wetlands that most people miss out on
Thank you
Posted 09-06-2018 03:03
Hi Dibya!
I like how you described a wetland to a sponge because really that is what it acts as...A SPONGE! :)
And it is true, that surface and groundwater does interact, i thing I wrote on that and it is called SW-GW interacton (surfacewater-groundwater). And that the are inter-linked. But thanks to wetlands, they come to the aid of rivers during a drought or low rainfall season!
Thank you for your well typed report!
Posted 08-06-2018 21:35