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PUNO – an Environmental Initiative in Manila

by Aldrin Aujero | 27-06-2018 19:28 recommendations 2

Hi Everyone!
Below is a report of an environmental project I?ve been initiated over the past month.

Project PUNO stands for: Proactive Utilization of Nature-based Opportunities

The word "Puno" (n.) is a homonymic Filipino which translates to 1.) a tree (n.) and 2.) filled with; to overflow (adj.). True to its meaning, we believe that Project PUNO capitalizes on the "overflowing" opportunities found in "nature".

Who we are:

Project PUNO is a student-led youth initiative project that aims to leverage the youths creativity in order to address the informational gap on nature-based solutions in addressing the problems brought by climate change and various calamities.

We are mentored by the Youth for Asia team as well as environmental specialists from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Project Overview:

Project PUNO is an ADB affiliated project that aims to address the knowledge gap on Nature Based Solutions among the Youth in the Philippines through an eBook and video campaign. We aim to increase appreciation, awareness and crowdsource nature-based solutions to our environmental and societal problems through our two-faceted approach.

Our objectives:

To increase awareness, appreciation and understanding of nature-based solutions among the youth (8-25)

To increase the application of nature-based solution on an individual and community level

To promote the conservation of existing natural resources serving as nature-based solutions

To promote innovative application, development and modification of nature-based solutions to optimize accessibility and impact

To cultivate volunteerism, advocacy and engagement of the youth in environmental issues especially those pertaining to the use, conservation and development of nature-based solutions

Our Programs

1. eBook

Value proposition:

For environmentally conscious teachers, parents and educational institutions, PUNO?s eBook Series provides engaging and youth-centered story-books that fosters appreciation towards environmental conservation.


We instill the values of empathy, advocacy and inclusivity  through our one-to-one model where the revenue generated from the paid version of our eBook will be used to distribute printed copies of the book in remote rural areas. A lite version of the eBook would still be available, containing the full content but with less illustrations.

A QR code and a live link (for the eBook) will be included to allow users to conveniently access Project PUNO?s video campaign, social media outlets and website.

2. Video campaign

Our video campaign will be marketed primarily through social media outlets such as (facebook and instagram).

Each video will last for exactly 1 minute as we believe in being concise and succinct as well as to not bore out users.

At the end of each video, we will include a call to action section where users can apply their new knowledge in making a tangible project such as making their own vertical garden. We will then launch a competition for the best challenge outcomes to encourage even more participation.

Where we are now:

Our eBook content has been fully developed and we are in the process of designing the illustrations needed.

Though we are still in the process of developing our first video, a trailer video can be found in our facebook page.

How you can help:

Our awareness campaign relies heavily on having a solid following. We are aiming to get to one-thousand (1,000) likes in 3 weeks and we are currently at three hundred and twenty (320) likes).

Goal: 1,000 FB likes

Currently: @320 FB likes

We need your help to spread the word out for more people to be involved in this project.

Simply go to this link and hit the like button:
https://www.facebook.com/projectPUNO/ (PUNO?s FB Page)

We really want to achieve our goal for this project to gain traction and steam so your very own like will matter a lot!

Thank you very much!
Don?t forget to share the page to friends and families as well!

I hope to contribute a tangible impact on my community through Project Puno and I will post another update in 3 weeks time to catch you guys up on the progress that this project has made. Please feel free to comment any questions below! The 1st photo below is our project team while the 2nd photo is our project logo.

no image

  • Dormant user Aldrin Aujero
  • recommend


  • Bam Azores says :
    Hi, Aldrin! I'm Pinoy, too. See this link http://www.fslfkidsandyouth.webs.com. Maybe there are ways we can work together. I will promote your Puno Project in our network. We can be reached in friends7lakes@gmail.com
    Posted 26-07-2018 01:50

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Aldrin
    I've just visited the facebook page of Puno and through the following link!
    The platform of this project seems food and the aim is really something that we need :)
    Thanks for sharing this amazing project and pleases keep us updated!
    Posted 30-06-2018 12:57

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Aldrin, such a nice project and campaign to be!
    Thanks for letting us know about this one :)
    I really liked the e-book provision since it makes people easy to get the information without much difficulty.
    Hope you make it well! And don't forget to share more stories about this later on, too :)
    Posted 30-06-2018 12:14

  • Bharat Adhikari says :
    Thanks for the information. :)
    Posted 30-06-2018 09:45

  • Aldrin Aujero says :
    Thanks @Deepak! Don't forget to like our page!
    Just go to the link above and hit like!
    Thanks so much!
    Posted 27-06-2018 22:03

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Project PUNO is really doing a appreciable work, thanks for sharing

    Posted 27-06-2018 21:51

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Project PUNO is really doing a appreciable work, thanks for sharing

    Posted 27-06-2018 21:51

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