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Shark Finning

by Asmita Pramanik | 30-06-2018 18:52 recommendations 0

Shark Finning

This dire act committed by many has led to the drastic depletion of the population of sharks all over the world. As the name suggests, Shark finning is the act of acquiring fins of sharks often while they are alive, causing extreme pain for the poor creatures. This sharks are sometimes, then led back into their habitat, but without their fins. Just as the arrival back into their safe haven gives them peace, they slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean due to the inability to move, and die painful deaths.

Estimates have shown that more than 100 million sharks are killed annually for their fins alone.  This is because the economic value of shark fin is very high as it is seen as a delicacy or 'prestige' foodstuff - and a bowl of shark fin soup can fetch very high prices in expensive restaurants. 

Wildlife crime such as trading in illegally caught shark fin is the third highest global black-market crime after gun and drug running which stands as another reason why shark finning should be brought to a complete halt.


Under the watch of the UAE environment ministry, shark finning was declared illegal in 2011 in the UAE and of the estimated 2,000 metric tonnes of sharks caught annually in recent years in UAE waters, only 60 metric tonnes are estimated to comprise shark fins.

In February 2014, seven Arab countries including the UAE signed an international agreement in Dubai to protect migrating sharks in Middle East waters from illegal trade.

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment launched its ?National Plan of Action (NPOA) for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 2018-2021' in the UAE which lists out objectives such as enhancing knowledge of shark species and their role in the ecosystem among the population, implementing effective policy, legislation and enforcement mechanisms and developing a national, regional and global cooperation framework, enabling effective conservation through capacity building, and running educational and outreach programs to raise public awareness has seen great progress in recent times.

These continuous efforts by the ministry has been very successful in bringing this serious issue to the forefront to which each and every citizen has been seen contributing through art competitions, societal campaigns etc. with great vigour. 


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  • Dormant user Asmita Pramanik
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Hello Asmita
    I hope you are doing well

    Great Report
    Thank you so much for this report!
    Keep writing!

    Green cheers
    Posted 19-03-2020 12:19

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Asmita, I have seen a lot of shark fin cuisines in several Asian countries and it was a bit weird and curious for me so far to know 'how would sharks without their fins can manage their swimming and lives'.
    After I saw a short documentary film from National Geographic programs, I got to know that all of shark finning activities are illegal, literally just letting them sink to the bottom of the sea without fins, slowly dying.

    NPOA for the Conservation and Management of Sharks however seems to devote itself to solve this problem, and hope it gets through it well either!
    Thanks for introducing nice work group and news
    Posted 03-07-2018 23:41

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Asmita
    It is sad to see that animals are killed only for the tiny part of them that are economically highly priced because of human greed. If only people could see the better good and not the immediate financial benefit things should get better. But still it is nice to know that the NPOA for the Conservation and Management of Sharks are having good effect on this issue.
    Thanks for the report!
    Posted 02-07-2018 22:17

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    HongKong is only country who export most of the shark fin, and people who are consuming are literally poor in their mind, they are destroying helpless animals. These beautiful creature must be protected.
    Posted 01-07-2018 01:24

  • Bharat Adhikari says :
    Thanks for the information. :)
    Posted 30-06-2018 19:54

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