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What can I do with my dream? [Landfill Free Cities]

by Rohan Kapur | 10-08-2018 17:24 recommendations 0

The waste is not a waste until it is wasted. In this technological era of 21st Century, no waste should land in the landfill. All MUST be recycled. This is my dream! I am doing my bit of efforts since the past many years in the service to the mother earth. The household waste, Industrial waste, other waste all have the potential of recycling. This is a matter of willpower of the nation & its residents.


At a typical landfill, the waste rots and decomposes, and produces harmful gases (CO2 and Methane) which are both greenhouse gases and contribute to global warming. Landfills also pollute the local environment, including the water and the soil. It also affects the global warming and the environment.


Rules & regulations may be made but its implementation is complex and a lot is dependent upon the residents and the lawmakers. I believe stiff penalties must be imposed by authorities for breaking the waste collection procedure. And as a parallel initiative awareness must be spread among all to implement this procedure.


Segregation bins are existing in all major cities in the world but indiscriminate disposal is a big issue. Some countries have collected all recyclables in one bin [Paper, Plastic, Cans etc. together] and have tried to recycle this mixed chunk. But this experiment has failed miserably and such waste has again landed at the landfills.


I am listing very easy ways of reducing landfill waste. These measures may be applied by us individually without depending upon Government to implement legislation.

1.      1. Donate Clothes.

2.       2. Reduce Food Waste.

3.       3. Eat Healthy.

4.       4. Save Leftovers for Next Day.

5.       5. Buy Things With Less Packaging.

6.       6. Boycott Plastic Water Bottles.

7.       7. Just Don't Buy as Much Stuff. Really.

8.       8. Recycle.

More details may be acquired from the following link:


I am sure the fellow ambassadors will adopt these measures and make Earth a greener place to live. Thanks for reading.


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
  • recommend


  • Susmita Horticulturist says :
    Hello rohan
    I hope you are doing wel
    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 28-02-2020 11:23

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks, Suvarna. You are correct. It starts with the kitchen and ultimately become a household habit.
    Posted 20-09-2018 21:49

  • Suvarna Ghimire says :
    If we properly managed the waste then we are able to minimize the wastage from our kitchen by proper dispose and finally we need to reduce the waste from other activities which are helding regularly in daily life.

    Posted 19-09-2018 20:03

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Aaditya
    Posted 02-09-2018 15:58

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks Rohan for your proactive report. We must control waste generation and then ensure proper recycling and effective waste management to realize your... in fact our dream of Landfill free cities.
    Posted 19-08-2018 06:58

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Yes Adrianna. Your initiative is applaudable.This makes Tunza forum meaningful & sustainable. Thanks for your comments.
    Posted 18-08-2018 15:57

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    You are welcome! Let's keep ourselves up to our common goals :)
    Posted 14-08-2018 23:14

  • Adrianna Wojtyna says :
    Thank you for sharing your great article. I agree that we should encourage each other to recycle and do our best the reduce the production of waste. I think each small step we do everyday - dispose the wastes into correct bins or using reusable bags for grocery shopping - brings us closer to the aim of the waste reduction. With the promotion of such choices, they will be more and more popular.
    Posted 14-08-2018 17:01

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Joon. Motivation level soars when a collective thought process is initiated revolving your idea. This forum is amazing. All this will help me & others as well. We all are working towards a common goal.
    Posted 14-08-2018 13:00

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Rohan, your passion for managing various types of wastes were seen in this report. Also, Yvonne mentioned plastic bottle abandonment and its collateral effect, and other alternative means to act against it. Quite many ambassadors posted additional thoughts and feedbacks for your report, and hope they help you for your future waste management project. Keep up with your work!
    Posted 13-08-2018 23:59

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Dyah. Your kind comments made my day!
    Posted 13-08-2018 18:09

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Gyeongrin, many thanks for your motivation. This acts as fuel to propel my actions.
    Posted 13-08-2018 18:08

  • Dyah Reza Lestari says :
    I've found that your report for this month's topic is literally different with other ambassadors' reports (as most of them talked about their lives and dreams) and I thought that's really great of you! Thanks for sharing these insightful information! All the best, Rohan.
    Posted 13-08-2018 01:29

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Rohan
    'The waste is not a waste until it is wasted.'

    This is very much true that what we easily dump thinking its use is done actually has remaining values that could be reused. I have followed your effort through your reports for the recent months and it is really great and inspiring!

    Incredible works, keep it up :)
    Posted 12-08-2018 20:57

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Yvonne for your insights into this complex issue. I fully agree with you. One may take this as individual attempt. At least I am boycotting the plastic bottle. Exceptions are there for all rules.
    Posted 12-08-2018 14:28

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    The problem with boycotting plastic water bottles is that there isn't a suitable replacement for plastic bottles. Sure, glass bottles and metal cans are a thing, but those end up in landfills just as well and they take just as long, if not longer, to decompose. The reason plastic has been demonised in this battle against pollution is because it is the face of pollution because it is everywhere due to its cheap and versatile nature. So even if people boycott plastic water bottles right now, what are they running to? A better solution would be to ask people to carry their own water bottles with them, water bottles that they can refill. Also, think of how plastic water bottles are essential in getting water to places where water availability is a big problem like Flint in the Flint water crisis or in refugee camps or in places hit by drought. So before we say no to plastic water bottles, we're obviously going to have to sort that out first. Also, think of alternatives to plastic water bottles and how they can be made feasible for large-scale use, like algae water bottles. In short, it's not as easy as saying 'boycott plastic water bottles'.
    Posted 11-08-2018 21:37

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks a lot Dear Mohamed, you are a hero.
    Posted 11-08-2018 12:48

  • Mohamed Rashid says :
    Well done Rohan. Promise I will keep it
    Posted 11-08-2018 04:50

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