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A Medical Environmentalist: What Can I do with my Major?

by George Zacharia | 17-08-2018 12:39 recommendations 0

Hello Friends!! 

Its a really interesting topic that Eco-generation has given this time. "What Can I do with my Major?". So, here are my thoughts.

I am a medical student and we spend a major chunk of our time studying and visiting clinics. When I pondered about environmental issues related to my field (I initially thought there were none), I found that there are some issues and I would like to point out a few here.

1) Diseases Caused Due to Pollution

A doctor is not only committed just in treating the patients that come to him, but he also has to advocate preventive measures and take care of the health of the community as a whole. A public health outbreak can endanger many lives and will also lead to heavy losses and needs to be avoided.

A majority of public health problems surface due to Pollution. Pollution and contamination of water supplies can lead to water borne diseases like Typhoid, etc.
Collection of water and contaminated water in areas can boost growth of mosquitoes, causing diseases like Malaria, Dengue, etc.

Also, when harmful carcinogens, chemicals, etc contaminate water bodies, soil, etc, it could enter man through the vegetables, water, etc and deposit in the body causing Cancers and other deadly diseases in the future.

So, as a health professional with awareness and knowledge about these issues and the health hazards, I need to advocate for policies, create awareness, etc that reduce incidence of such public health problems.

2) Medical Waste Pollution

This could have points similar to point (1).
Medical wastes include used syringes, blood stained items, cotton, clothes, anatomical wastes, medicine bottles, etc.
They need to be properly disposed by proper management, etc because they could contain chemicals and also maybe deadly viruses, etc which if left in open could pollute the environment and harm public health.
In places where there are no management systems, it needs to be urgently created.
In Kerala, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) of doctors has made special factories for management of medical waste from nearly all hospitals in Kerala.

These are the two problems I got when I thought over it. Any from your side? Feel free to comment! :D


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  • Dormant user George Zacharia
  • recommend


  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello George, nice dream pursuit to be!
    Your report makes me think of various breakout of diseases in the public due to our obsessive inquisitiveness and greediness. However, what's more important is that such diseases directly affect the poor or isolated, which means it literally hits hard on environmental justice and relative issues.
    Hope you can make your own career development well, successfully making it toward your pursuit!
    Posted 18-08-2018 17:48

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello George
    It is nice to be introduced to diverse majors. And with every report, I learn new ways and views to apply each major to save our environment.
    It is really a pleasure getting to know our fellow ambassador's passion!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 18-08-2018 17:35

  • Dyah Reza Lestari says :
    Hi, George! I thought I'm the only one who's coming from different majors (as I'm majoring in accounting). Thank you for letting us know about what you can do as a future doctor for the environment! I personally believe that everyone has an important role in protecting the Mother Earth as our one and only home. Let's keep doing what's best for the environment! :)
    Posted 18-08-2018 01:51

  • BONFACE OBUBA says :
    Well written George. You have helped me see the link between medicine and the environment. All the best in your career.
    Posted 17-08-2018 20:10

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks for your report George. As a medical professional, you can contribute greatly to spreading awareness about medical and health related effects of environmental hazards.
    Posted 17-08-2018 18:16

  • Bharat Adhikari says :
    Great report. All the best for your future. :)
    Posted 17-08-2018 16:24

  • Alesandra Ibobo says :
    Interesting, thanks for sharing
    Posted 17-08-2018 15:53

  • Adithiyan Rajan says :
    Hey. That's a great report.
    Posted 17-08-2018 14:53

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