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Ozone Day

by Bwalya Bwalya | 17-09-2018 17:47 recommendations 0

Ultraviolet radiation as well as other cosmic radiation have the ability to destroy biotic factors(Plants as well as animals) causing skin disorders as well as various cancerous diseases and cataracts to humans. All forms of life are highly dependant on the existence of the ozone layer. Nevertheless, over the past decades ,there has been rapid increase in industrialization. Manufacturing activities, construction works and other developmental activities all resulting into the destruction of the ozone layer. The major cause of ozone depletion are then anthropogenic activities.Green house effect rapidly increases global temperatures and later affect rainfall distribution as well as climatic problems.Proper use of resources is of serious concern. People must learn to reduce their footprint and reduce, reuse and recycle as much material as they can. September 16th was the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer. It was a privilege to have been part of that event. Various Organizations ,Schools and Universities met to commemorate it. The theme for this year was "Keep cool and Carry on the Montreal Protocol.". The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by removing all production of various substances that cause the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone day helped us reflect on the things we have done to protect the ozone layer and helped us address challenges being faced in phasing out ozone depleting substances.
Ozone Day Ozone Day Ozone Day Ozone Day

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  • Dormant user Bwalya Bwalya
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  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Bwalya, good to see your offline works with region and people living nearby.
    Such activities would trigger further participation and better platforms for other people who do acknowledge the problem as a minor problem or the ones who did not have any chance to get to know ozone depletion problem and its value.
    Thanks for sharing your work with us!
    Posted 21-09-2018 17:02

  • Hassan Nasir says :
    I think industrialists must learn to induce ecosystem in their industries many gases like Carbon monoxide are emitted at a massive levels
    Posted 20-09-2018 22:22

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Bwalya!
    These collaborated events are truly meaningful and are sure that these inspired more people to the ozone-related issue. As sunlight is one of the biggest factors that consists our environment structure and as ozone in the atmosphere is the pivotal barrier which prevents us from getting light directly, we really should care more on this matter.
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 18-09-2018 23:12

  • Bwalya Bwalya says :
    Thanks for finding time to read and comment
    Posted 18-09-2018 01:33

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Bwalya!

    What a pivotal event, It looks like the event was a successful event! More and more people should be informed about the Protocol that brought about the unity of so many countries and it has been doing for our atmosphere as a whole.

    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Posted 17-09-2018 21:23

  • Israel Adeoye says :
    Schools' street campaign is one of the major activities that makes the Ozone Day remarkable and memorable. Good job, thanks for those Photos.
    Posted 17-09-2018 19:33

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