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A flood of epic proportions

by Rosa Domingos | 18-09-2018 15:22 recommendations 0

With climate change bringing about massive change in weather patterns, floods, drought and field fires have occurred in epic proportions. Angola faced torrential rains that caused flooding in northern parts between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday whereby 11 lives were lost, with several more reported missing.

The floods also destroyed about 700 homes, with more than 5,000 properties swept away. The country?s capital Luanda has been badly affected after a month?s worth of rain, 76mm, fell in just over 24 hours. The rains caused widespread traffic disruption in the city, with electricity and drinking water supplies also affected. A school and a church are among the property destroyed by the floods.

Angola has one rainy season which runs from October to April, corresponding to the time when the sun is at its highest. In Luanda, peak rainfall tends to occur in March and April, with 76 and 117mm respectively. For a country which lies to close to the equator, these may seem like low accumulations, but weather along the coastal strip is heavily influenced by the Benguela ocean current.

It is expected that in the next few days, the bulk of the showers will be over central and southern parts of the country, with Luanda province remaining largely dry.



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  • Dormant user Rosa Domingos
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  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings rosa
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing

    Green cheers
    Posted 15-03-2020 16:37

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    HI Joon!

    I completely concur with what you said. Such platform are imperative for many who are yet to understand the workings of phenomenon such as this and many similar ones.

    Thank you Joon mentor!
    Posted 24-09-2018 04:51

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Gyeongrin!

    Yes, a flood prevention or management plan needs to materialise in order to ensure the safety of many. We should be better prepared for such instances to prevent the loss of life again.

    Thank you Gyeongrin mentor!
    Posted 24-09-2018 04:47

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Rosa, sad and very afraid to hear such news but it is true that such epic climate phenomena are going under its progression all around the world.
    Though we know that they apparently do exist and happen more often, many of us are not still sure about the reason of phenomena, and I think that's why the importance of platforms or groups of people such as Tunza E-gen is becoming more expansive.
    Thanks for your report :)
    Posted 22-09-2018 23:27

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Rosa
    Water as a resource is vital for the survival of every living being. However, when it takes the form of a natural disaster, it is truly brutal and the loss is huge. So, a precaution plan for floods is important and no region should take this problem lightly. The possibility always lies there beneath our ignorance and we should be prepared for these cases.
    Thanks for the report!
    Posted 21-09-2018 20:17

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Israel!

    What is more unfortunate is that the process of implementing technologies to help safe guard many from such events is a slow one. Truely, something must be done.
    Posted 19-09-2018 14:56

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    Flooding is always accompanied by loss of lives or property. It is sad that with the current technology, we still loose massively to flooding.

    It is high time we applied technology to flooding to reduce its impact. SOMETHING JUST HAVE TO BE DONE!
    Posted 19-09-2018 01:26

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