Environmental Pollution Control Water,Air and Land |
by Tantoh Haris Desmond Tibui | 21-09-2018 03:41
One person alone cannot save the planets biodiversity,but each individual's efforts to encourage nature's wealth must not be underestimated.Environment pollution is one of the major problems we have been facing globally and to reduce our necessities is the biggest concern as it accumulates pollution. Pollution has has many forms,the water we drink to the sound that we hear can can be considered as some aspects that contribute to environmental pollution which would in turn lead to health hazards,adverse effect on ecosystem and wildlife.Pollution can be stated as introduction of harmful substances or any foreign particles that would have a bad effect on the environment .Protection of our environment is one of our major responsibilities and a natural way for caring for self and for our future generations.Some practical ways that can be implemented in our daily lives to reduce pollution is to avoid using a car for short distance travel,instead make use of a bicycle which which will be beneficial in terms of health as well as reduction of air pollution.Also,to reduce environmental pollution,make we should make use of Eco-friendly chemicals because these are what we use for washing utensils,cars homes get wash down into sewage system that would in turn get collected as a ground water.Moreover we can reduce soil pollution from the environment cause by plastic,by ensuring that plastic waste is properly disposed into separate dustbins and note that mixing them with biodegradable waste is a big reason for soil pollution,Proper separation wherever the waste is generated will ensure that the plastic do not find their way into the bare soil.It is important that at a regional level near wherever you live, there is a landfill that is functioning. Landfills are currently the best way to dispose off plastics, as they ensure that the plastic remains locked out of the ecosystem. If there is no landfill, petition your government to create one.Also be sure to ask the garbage disposal workers about what they do with the wastes after collecting them. You can follow the path the plastic follows and find where it ends up. This will give you a good idea about where your government still needs to improve.Hopefully, the future holds the popular use of biodegradable plastics. This will probably suit everyone including, industries, general public, governments and environmentalists.Reference BYJU'S
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Hello Tantoh, we literally pass and forget about what our duties are as human beings, for the nature. I personally think that's why such phenomena happen and do not stop. Changes begin when we act, and when we plan to move onto the better environment.
Thanks for your report! It made me think of lots of things :)
Posted 25-09-2018 20:55
Hi Tantoh!
Wow, I like the way you approached this issue, with relevance and simplicity. Pollution of any kind is a serious problem never to be take likely or worse, to be ignored!
The solutions you have ever posed are very practical and somewhat are done in out day and age, but not effectively enough to actually see change. But with continued awareness (such as yours) the impact of a pollution free community not be a dream but a reality.
Many thanks for your report Tantoh!
Posted 24-09-2018 04:03
Hello Tantoh
'One person alone cannot save the planet's biodiversity, but each individual's efforts to encourage nature's wealth must not be underestimated.'
How you start your report is very much true and that is exactly what we should not forget. When tiny acts sum up that will be our chance for a change!
Thanks for sharing!
Posted 24-09-2018 00:49
Like Israel said, we need to focus more on not using plastic or reusing it.
Posted 21-09-2018 12:59
Hi Tantoh,
Even landfilling is not an appropriate method for plastic disposal. It does not degrade! The most appropriate method is to reuse and refuse.
Thanks for the report
Posted 21-09-2018 05:31