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Actions I would like to take If were president of The Mexican Secretariat of Environment

by Eli Quiroz | 20-10-2018 11:10 recommendations 0

In Mexico more of the 70 per cent of lakes, rivers and aquifers are polluted, despite there are regulations for waste water discharges, they are not completely fulfilled by industrial companies, local governments and mining industry. Sometimes the most polluting industries are the ones who receives special licenses to use water as they want, tanking out water for the communities nearby their industrial zone.

One example of this is a brewing factory installed in the north of Mexico a zone which is well known for being semi-arid, but the closest to the USA. This factory has taken many water resources in the area, leaving its inhabitants without enough water. The situation for the habitants of this area is difficult, because is totally legal for the company to take as much water as they want. In addition, in many cities in Mexico is common to pump Sewage water into reservoirs without pretreatment.

Even though there are regulations, it is clear that The Official Mexican Norms (NOM) are not too strict compared with other nations norms for the environment.

If I had the opportunity to be the president of The Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), I would work to promote stricter laws and its more efficient implementation and also the investment of millions of pesos to create new infrastructure in wastewater treatment plants. In addition of the creation a National infrastructure system to filter water and make it drinkable.

In Mexico, it is a very profitable business to sell drinkable water, due to the lack of treatment of the water received in houses. Many homes need to filter their water through domestic purifying systems. Accordingly, it is very necessary the enforcement of water management and supply in a high level.

If I were the president of SEMARNAT I would also like to embrace the adoption of stronger laws to protect and reforest our jungles and forests. Furthermore, the implementation a comprehensive Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technology system across the country.

As a country, we have a big problem with waste disposal, because is regulated by local governments, and in most cases, they do not have the resources and technology for an efficient waste management. Moreover, for them, the easiest and affordable way to get off it is burning the garbage in open trash pits. Affecting the air quality of the area and causing diseases among the population.

These are the actions I would like to take if I were a high-level diplomatic member of The Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources. However, as a citizen, I am compromised to take actions to improve the healthiness of my community.


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  • Dormant user Eli Quiroz
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  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Eli
    The right procurement if clean drinkable water is an essential job since this is directly connected to the surviving of the people in that region. And as this water management needs an integrated view, government policies are a critical factor to it.
    Hope water and waste management could improve!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 22-10-2018 13:47

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hola Eli, I did not know much about water supply and its management system in Mexico, but the status you told us above looks very severely intense and tough. Proper water supply can be done, supported by two things. 1) Clean and clear sewage treatment procedure 2) Not removing catchment area or deteriorating it.
    Hope pre-mandatory solutions get provided for preventing further water shortage in Mexico!
    ??Gracias por el informe! :)

    Posted 22-10-2018 13:15

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Eli!

    70% of polluted resources is not something to turn a blind eye to. The government has really taken a step back and allowed the industrial development sector to abuse their water resource. I believe that stricter police uses should be put in place concurrently installing a purification system for every citizen as it is mandatory in terms of their health.

    Aiding your community in terms of health is a step in the right direction! I hope you continue with your work!

    Thank you for reporting Eli!
    Posted 20-10-2018 14:10

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    We all have rules in our country, but its action and implementation is always a problem in developing countries.
    Government must be stric in implementing rules and regulations.
    Thank for this report.
    Posted 20-10-2018 11:58

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