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We have only got 12 years!

by Rosa Domingos | 30-10-2018 16:25 recommendations 1

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have announced that we have 12 years to prevent and catastrophic environmental crisis. The report,Global Warming of 1.5¨¬C, released on October 8, 2018, explains where we are on the path to a disastrous 2¨¬C increase in temperature, also provides manners to which we can respond, and outlines the prospects for success. 

So without any further ado, I would like to invite you to test your knowledge of the path out of this carbon crisis.



Try this QUIZ out, it really made me realise how far I, as an individual, I have to go and how far governments, NGO and other organisations need to cover, before we see change.

Making smart sustainable choices requires constant  practice. And with constant practice, comes understanding, you are bound to make it part of your everyday route once you have practiced long enough. Through your daily choices — from transportation mode to purchases to waste disposal — you can make a positive difference.

Reference List:

Earth911. 2018. Earth911 Quiz #34: Twelve Years To Change. [Online]. Available: https://earth911.com/quiz/earth911-quiz-34-twelve-years-to-change/. Oct 25, 2018. Accessed: Oct 30, 2018.


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  • Dormant user Rosa Domingos
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  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Gyeongrin,

    I agree with what you said, the damages are slowly outweighing the time needed to restore the environment. And that people are unaware of the dire urgency with regards to it, but I am sure that with time, this will not be a matter to focus on.
    Posted 07-11-2018 14:50

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Rosa
    It is true that the clock is ticking and our time is getting short.
    And the difficulty to recover the damage grows exponentially making it even harder to restore as time goes by.
    However, I too have felt that not everyone is aware of this issue and many think that this ain't their concern. But this is a responsibility that we all share and hope that more people could practice what we can in our daily activities!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 31-10-2018 23:52

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Israel!

    I hope for the same! Thank you for reading up my report!
    Posted 30-10-2018 22:50

  • Israel Adeoye says :
    I hope we do something before the time expires.
    Thanks for the report Rosa.
    Posted 30-10-2018 21:13

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