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Unprecedented steps to avert worst effects of global warming

by Deepak Subedi | 22-11-2018 23:09 recommendations 1

Today while I was reading news in Himalayan Times, I saw news which is essential to read by every Ambassador, so I request all of you to read this article complete.  

Society would have to enact ¡°unprecedented¡± changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it risks increases in heat waves, flood-causing storms and the chances of drought in some regions as well as the loss of species, a UN report said on Monday.

Keeping the Earth¡¯s temperature rise to only 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) rather than the 2C target agreed to at the Paris Agreement talks in 2015, would have ¡°clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems,¡± the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said on Monday in a statement announcing the report¡¯s release.

The IPCC report said at the current rate of warming, the world¡¯s temperatures would likely reach 1.5C between 2030 and 2052 after an increase of 1C above pre-industrial levels since the mid-1800s.

Keeping the 1.5C taraget would keep the global sea level rise 0.1 metre (3.9 inches) lower by 2100 than a 2C target, the report states. That could reduce flooding and give the people that inhabit the world¡¯s coasts, islands and river deltas time to adapt to climate change.

The lower target would also reduce species loss and extinction and the impact on terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems, the report said.

¡°There were doubts if we would be able to differentiate impacts set at 1.5C and that came so clearly. Even the scientists were surprised to see how much science was already there and how much they could really differentiate and how great are the benefits of limiting global warming at 1.5 compared to 2,¡± Thelma Krug, vice-chair of the IPCC, told Reuters in an interview.

¡°And now more than ever we know that every bit of warming matters,¡± Krug said.

The IPCC met last week in Incheon, South Korea to finalise the report, prepared at the request of governments in 2015 to assess the feasibility and importance of limiting global warming to 1.5C.

The report is seen as the main scientific guide for government policymakers on how to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement during the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland in December.

To contain warming at 1.5C, man-made global net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions would need to fall by about 45 percent by 2030 from 2010 levels and reach ¡°net zero¡± by mid-century. Any additional emissions would require removing CO2 from the air.




The report summary said renewable energy would need to supply 70 percent to 85 percent of electricity by 2050 to stay within a 1.5C limit, compared with about 25 percent now.

Using carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, the share of gas-fired power would need to be cut to 8 percent and coal to under 2 percent. There was no mention of oil in this context in the summary.

If the average global temperature temporarily exceeded 1.5C, additional carbon removal techniques would be required to return warming to below 1.5C by 2100.

But the report said the efficacy of measures, such as planting forests, bioenergy use or capturing and storing CO2, were unproven at a large scale and carried some risks.

But the effects of not meeting the 1.5C target would mean huge changes to the world. The lower level would mean the Arctic Ocean would be free of sea ice in summer only once per century not at least once a decade under the higher target. Coral reefs would decline by a still unsustainable 70 percent to 90 percent instead of being virtually wiped out under the higher increase.

¡°The report shows that we only have the slimmest of opportunities remaining to avoid unthinkable damage to the climate system that supports life as we know it,¡± said Amjad Abdulla, the IPCC board member and chief negotiator for an alliance of small island states at risk of flooding as sea levels rise.





Unprecedented steps to avert worst effects of global warming

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  • Dormant user Deepak Subedi
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Greetings Deepak
    I hope you are doing well!
    Thank you so much for this report!
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 22-03-2020 11:09

  • Basanta Adhikari says :
    Greetings deepak
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report.
    I hope to read more from you.
    Keep up with great works
    Green cheers
    Posted 16-03-2020 04:06

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Gyeongrin mentor, Namaste

    Yes mentor, it is very serious, we must change our way of living and adopt renewal sources of energy. As a normal citizen we must do how much we can, many things depends upon status of country and international conferences.
    Hope our future generations can see this beautiful as much we are doing.
    Thank For your comments.
    Posted 30-11-2018 03:36

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Deepak
    As I read the below comments, it seems that it is truly the time to make changes before we lose our track. It is the time that we now realize that the boundary that classifies us in the name of nationality is not more important than that we are all involved equally to this problem as beings originated from our mother Earth. Hope the international treaties could be kept more strictly above all individual interests.
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 30-11-2018 00:15

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Bonface Obuba
    Yes we need radical and best alternative option.
    Absolutely we are in wrong path, so we must think.
    Thank you for your comments.
    Posted 26-11-2018 17:57

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Joon Ho Mentor, Namaste
    Yes Rosa and Israel are absolutely corrects,we must stop or control the emission of greenhouse gases, sun and water source of energy are perfect and sustainable alternatives.
    Yes still we cant predict and assure future generation live in a better and sustainable society,by following UNPRECEDENTED CHANGE, what we can do is decrees carbon footprints, afforestation in massive amounts and recycle more that 70% plastic wastage.
    Thank You so much for your comments.
    Posted 26-11-2018 16:16

  • Bonface Obuba says :
    This is a sad tale. We need radical action. We are not headed in the right direction.
    Hey, Deepak. Thanks for writing.
    Posted 26-11-2018 15:55

  • Israel Adeoye says :
    Very true @ Joon Ho Mentor
    Posted 26-11-2018 05:57

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Deepak, as Rosa and Israel said below, carbon emission and human activities emitting greenhouse gases are all fully responsible for climate change and relative problems led by them. IPCC and Paris Treaty were basically aiming at 2020 and 2030 projects but murmuring the future project and wandering around the existent problems domestically (individual countries) made them lose the tempo.
    We still don't know this tempo would make unprecendented steps to make future generation live in a better and sustainable society, but we have to make sure we do not fall back way too much from the primary objectives and deadlines for the project.
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 25-11-2018 23:36

  • Israel Adeoye says :
    You are welcome Deepak
    Posted 23-11-2018 23:46

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello, Israel Adeoye Namaste
    Yes major problems is carbon emission
    we can reduce by using solar power, wind energy and hydroelectricity.
    Every cities of planet must make major sources or renewal energy.
    And government of every country must emphasis on renewal source of energy.

    Thanks for you comments.

    Posted 23-11-2018 23:15

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Rosa, Namaste
    Carbon and methane emission are great problem of global warming,
    Use of renewal energy such as wind power and hydroelectricity will help in great reduction of global warming gas,
    This is very long process but all nation have to do this one day otherwise earth will not be safe place to live.
    Thank you for you meaningful words.
    Posted 23-11-2018 23:11

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    I think the major area of concern has been highlighted 'Carbon emission'

    if that is greatly reduced and the use of renewable energy rises to the anticipated 75-100%, then we on a safe side.

    The News promises us that at 1.5C, we will be safe. If it is proven and will be maintained, then, we have no fear.

    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 23-11-2018 17:57

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Heya Deepak!

    Strides to make Earth heat up slower and over a long period of time other than rapidly over a short space of time, unfortunately, we need to inhibit artificial emissions that blanket the Earth into an inferno quickly. The picture you have upload really spells out what may happen to us if drastic acts are not implemented.

    The major change that needs to be established that I think will be hard to tackle is the lowering of emissions, like the coal usage and the shared gas-fired power. If we can really tap into those two aspects and manage to decrease them, then we will be well on our way.

    Thank you for reporting Deepak!
    Sincerely yours
    Posted 23-11-2018 15:35

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