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A Studio Ghibli Film - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

by Fatima alhosani | 31-12-2018 19:53 recommendations 0

[November Report]

November was a very hectic month for me with school work and life so firstly, i apologize for posting this report very late. 

This report is about last month's monthly theme. I finally had the time to watch a movie.

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is a 1984 Japanese animated film based on its manga (Japanese comic).

The story talks about Nausicaä, the young princess of the Valley of the Wind. She becomes embroiled in a struggle with Tolmekia, a kingdom that tries to use an ancient weapon to eradicate a jungle of mutant giant insects.

I like animated old films dating from the 90s and I found the plot of this film very intriguing so I had to watch it.



A millennium has passed since the catastrophic nuclear war named the "Seven Days of Fire," which destroyed nearly all life on Earth. Humanity now lives in a constant struggle against the treacherous jungle, Filled with poisonous spores and enormous insects, that has evolved in response to the destruction caused by mankind, the jungle threatens to swallow the remnants of the human race.

Away from the jungle exists a peaceful farming kingdom known as the "Valley of the Wind.¡± The Valley's charismatic young princess, Nausicaä, finds her tranquil kingdom disturbed when an airship from the kingdom of Tolmekia crashes violently in the Valley. After Nausicaä and the citizens of the Valley find a sinister pulsating object in the wreckage, the Valley is suddenly invaded by the Tolmekian military, who intend to revive a dangerous weapon from the Seven Days of Fire. Now Nausicaä must fight to stop the Tolmekians from plunging the Earth into a cataclysm which humanity could never survive, while also protecting the Valley from the encroaching forces of the toxic jungle.



the lesson, this movie and princess Nausicaa teaches is that, we can¡¯t dominate nature—in the film, each attempt leads to a stampede by the Ohmu that decimates the populace and spreads the Sea even further. The violence we do in our name does violence to ourselves, whether we know it or not. But we can learn to integrate ourselves into nature, if we do so peacefully and with respect.

(Important Message)

The message it conveys has a great meaning. Aside from it showing the life after a catastrophic nuclear war, a future many of us fear. The movie shows that we¡¯ll never destroy the Earth. We only destroy ourselves when we try. When Nausicaa delves underneath the verdant (though polluted) surface, she discovers clear water and unmarred soil. The world is slowly regenerating itself after so much manmade damage. Even after the Giant Warriors¡¯ onslaught, even after the violence we witness in the movie, nature is rebuilding and fortifying itself. It¡¯ll go on with or without people.


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  • Dormant user Fatima alhosani
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Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you fatima for the report. The movie seems really interesting.
    Glad that you posted your monthly report although its late. Keep up your great spirit.

    I too am fond of animated movies and watch often watch English animated movies.

    Hope to see many more interesting reports from you in coming days :)

    Wishing you happy and prosperous New Year 2019
    Green Cheers from the Land of Himalayas
    Posted 04-01-2019 13:02

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Fatima, it seems like you were really motivated by the iconic scenes and meanings this movie has :)
    I saw this movie before I saw 'Avatar' and it made me think of clashes and conflict that we are facing along the nature and nature itself does not provide definite answers to fighting groups. However, when it comes to the end, the key belongs to the decision of nature and both sides or either side falls off as it 'literally ignored' where they are living in, 'the nature'.
    We often forget about the meaning and importance of nature, but we are the ones who can get ourselves back on tracks to fight against environmental problems such as climate change and plastic pollution, etc.
    Hope the movie itself taught you a lot of things as you expected!
    Thanks for your report1
    Posted 03-01-2019 23:56

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Fatima
    I have watched this film some years before and remember being amazed by the scenery when she finds clean water.
    'Even after the Giant Warriors?? onslaught, even after the violence we witness in the movie, nature is rebuilding and fortifying itself. It??ll go on with or without people.'
    It truly show the power of nature that rebuilds itself no matter what.
    However rebuilding needs time and if we destroy faster than what is rebuilt, nature won't be able to go back to its beautiful self.
    Wish this year would be greener :)
    Thanks for sharing about the film!
    Posted 03-01-2019 15:03

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello, Fatima alhosani
    Namaste from Nepal, Country of Mt Everest

    I wish for your healthy body, peace mind and happy face in coming days, I wish you always can serve for this beautiful earth,
    Happy New Year 2019,
    In this Year
    Donate Red (Blood)
    Spread Green (Plants)
    Save Blue (Water)

    Thank You so much for your report about A Studio Ghibli Film - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, i will surely watch this movie.
    Keep writing :)
    Posted 01-01-2019 16:50

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