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The miracle power of social media

by Hnin Phyu Sin | 01-01-2019 03:28 recommendations 0

As the country is develop in technology day by day, the living standard of human is also changing together. If I would say people nowadays are influenced by social media, would you deny or accept it? Currently please count how many social media  platforms are you using. Do you feel you are being influenced by them and start feeling wasting your time? There are advantages way in using social media which can educate your mind and soul. Find your interest thing first and decide what you look for is effective for you or other people. You can look for many knowledge and web page in order to your professional interest. And then you can also create facebook page or blog to present your idea and creativity. You can describe your logic in writing or making movie. People who understands in your presentation and liked one will share your post. You can highlight the world's main problem and less focus trouble thing in front of many people and many people will do react your post. There will be two types of person in seeing your post. You have to prepare for this. You should have valid reason in showing your idea. If so, the thing you want to change starts trying to spread among many persons. You will notice the power of social media starting from it. 
In Myanmar, media is one of the pillar in our constitutional law and policy. If you want to introduce one item to your nation, you have to touch with the media and if you can give valuable information of your item in the getting time, it can make changes of the thoughts of citizen.
In protecting environment sector, media becomes the medium to be the one which can connect between consumers (citizen) and producer (the actions of environmentalist and environment destructors). Being transparent will ensure the one's responsibility to be perfect and this would lead the country to get the better position. Moreover media will watch the accountability of the citizen over the environment.

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  • Dormant user Hnin Phyu Sin
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  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Hnin, I am also giving feedbacks through my phone or labtop without having problem or hardship to do so in this TUNZA platform :)
    Thanks to social media and its basis development process by brand new technologies, we are getting easier for ourselves to gather up and react fast toward various social problems such as climate change, plastic pollution and other environmental problems that are trans-regional and national.
    Many regional campaigns also get bigger easily due to advertisement of social medias too as you may already know :)
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 06-01-2019 14:39

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Although Nepal is a developing country, people are already being attached with technology with its reach being upto rural area.

    Keeping this mind, i have started to upload environment related videos on youtube and created a environment section in my blog where people can read about environment. I too am planning an online awareness campaign and i will be letting you know about this in my future reports.

    Thank you for the report Hnin. Hope to see many more interesting reports from you in coming days :)

    Wishing you happy and prosperous New Year 2019
    Green Cheers from the Land of Himalayas
    Posted 04-01-2019 13:11

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Hnin
    Social media, the development of ICT has brought a new era to this world.
    With this tech now the world is connected and can easily share ideas through platforms.
    And as tunza also takes advantage of such technology, it really amazes us that how technology can actually make changes to the world!
    Thanks for the report and happy new year :)
    Posted 01-01-2019 20:12

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello, Hnin Phyu Sin
    Namaste from Nepal, Country of Mt Everest

    I wish for your healthy body, peace mind and happy face in coming days, I wish you always can serve for this beautiful earth,
    Happy New Year 2019,
    In this Year
    Donate Red (Blood)
    Spread Green (Plants)
    Save Blue (Water)

    Thank You so much for your report about social media, yes they have great power, we can forward many positive things and necessary things via social media.
    Keep writing :)
    Posted 01-01-2019 16:09

  • Adam Zhou says :
    For sure. https://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorReportView.jsp?viewID=45892&searchType=&searchName=&pageNumber=1

    This article touches upon how the public voice, through social media, achieved their goal.
    Posted 01-01-2019 10:04

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