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by Adam Zhou | 01-01-2019 10:24 recommendations 0

Writing is said to reach the voices of the many. It is a means of spreading one's ideas so that the group as a whole can benefit from a new innovation or even just a train of thought. That is the goal of such a network such as Tunza Eco Generation, and the success of such is due hugely to both the mentors of this platform as well as the passionate minds of the ambassadors. Initiative after initiative has been made, and as I read the articles, it is definitely something that is inspiring. 

However, writing doesn't only stop here. There are so many different more ways to express oneself. One example of such is poetry even. It is more expressive, being a part of creative writing, and has nuances that really bring out the imagery that we need to see. 

What Rough Beast is a platform for this said writing. Like Tunza Eco-Generation, it aspires to make change. Though its mission statement is initially "A poem a day by a different poet exploring and responding to our nation¡¯s political reality," it touches upon a lot of different subjects. Based in New York, it is in the heart of the Trump administration and the modifications in funding to the governmental and organizational environmental sectors. Such losses are detrimental to further protection of natural resources and natural landmarks. Therefore, expressing initiative in poetic form regarding the environment is a perfect home in this platform. 

This platform, a part of Indolent Press, does not only stop here in terms of their motive. They aim to spread words of being innovative, provocative, and risky. Though it may not apply to every scenario, this is the core of how innovation should be run. We shouldn't be afraid to take charge. 

Submissions are accepted here: https://indolentbooks.submittable.com/submit/76516/what-rough-beast

More readings from What Rough Beast are available here: https://www.indolentbooks.com/category/online-projects/what-rough-beast/


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  • Dormant user Adam Zhou
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Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you Adam for the report.

    Glad to know that there are other places where people can explore there writing and make their thought reach to larger number of audience. This report can be really useful for the aspiring writers who are looking for the platform to showcase their talent.
    Posted 04-01-2019 13:15

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Adam
    Writing surly has the power to make one's voice heard and to explain things more logically and clearly.
    With writing, we do share this platform sharing ideas about how we should protect our nature and what are happening around the world!
    Thanks for you writing :)

    Posted 03-01-2019 15:09

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello, Adam Zhou
    Namaste from Nepal, Country of Mt Everest

    I wish for your healthy body, peace mind and happy face in coming days, I wish you always can serve for this beautiful earth,
    Happy New Year 2019,
    In this Year
    Donate Red (Blood)
    Spread Green (Plants)
    Save Blue (Water)

    Thank You so much for your report, yes writing always help us to be more creative.
    Keep writing :)
    Posted 01-01-2019 16:01

  • Adam Zhou says :
    Further questions can be addressed to Indolent's editor in chief, Michael Broder, at michael@indolentbooks.com

    Feel free to mention me as a reference when contacting him
    Posted 01-01-2019 10:25

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