Keeping our beaches and surroundings clean. |
by Anishka Jha | 16-02-2019 04:59
We all live in a neighborhood or surrounding that we prefer to be clean and hygienic but tossing of plastic packs by the roadside just makes our environment grimy and unhygienic. Plastic sacks are not solvent as they cause water logging. Tossing rubbish everywhere will just make our environment unhealthy and contaminate nature. We need to control the use of plastic packs will likewise keep our environment clean. One should utilize reused and eco-friendly items, for example, paper or jute bags rather than plastic packs. My family and I always use cotton jute bags to carry grocery items. I have many times participated in clean up campaign in UAE as I believe to practice first than preach. I have done clean up in my neighborhood especially after the celebration of Diwali festivals. As during Diwali few residents in UAE use crackers and leave the left over burnt crackers in the surrounding areas. I along with my group children helped the municipality to clean everything. Try not to litter out and about or in your neighborhood. Littering causes land, air and water contamination. Take a stab at planting trees and plants that will decorate our surroundings. Greener environment look wonderful and furthermore diminish contamination to keep us fit and cheerful. Along these lines, keep the environment perfect and live happy and sound lives. Beaches are home to different animals from ocean lions to ocean turtles. Numerous creatures rely upon land to endure. Beaches that is laden with synthetic waste or plastic waste, it affects the Marine life also. At the point when the tides rise, they gather things on the shoreline and take the things out when the water brings down, including plastic waste. Corrine Henn found that garbage and plastic contamination influence 100 million marine vertebrates every year. Creatures don't have a clue about that a sparkling sweet wrapper isn't intended to be eaten. It can without much of a stretch be mixed up as a fish or bit of kelp. Whenever ingested our junk can cause hurt. In any case, waste can cause damage regardless of whether it isn't ingested, Creatures have been accounted for having straws stuck in their noses, or head stuck in plastic jug rings. Jane J. Lee, has explained on the web, the viral video of the ocean turtle with a straw stuck in its nose. By keeping the environment waste free we help ensure and protect marine life. Every individual can better the marine environment by playing their role in keeping the beaches clean. There are approaches to keep this from happening to our sea animals. By keeping this condition rubbish free we help secure and protect marine life. We all have often written reports on Marine life preservation but it needs to be reinforced again so that we do clean up repeatedly and dissuade people from littering around the beaches. I have actively participated in beach clean up where in I along with my group collected cigarette butts that drastically harms our marine creatures. |
Hello Anishka, deep contemplation now reaches the extent of offline activities!
Good to see your activities as a report up here :)
UNEA has announced and set 'Clean Seas' as one of the main campaigns supported by UNEP and relative organizations a couple of years ago.
Soon after, micro-plastic pollution problems have been hot issues in international conference and hit one of the controversial issues on the agenda.
Before ocean pollution goes off the limit, our collaborative work to get rubbish back into recycling bins or waste management factories.
Thanks for your report and sharing your experience!
Posted 20-02-2019 17:57
Hello Anishka
'Every individual can better the marine environment by playing their role in keeping the beaches clean.'
And true that this should be reinforced and reinforced so that none goes forgotten.
Great of you to take the initiative to clean beach shores!
Thanks for the report :)
Green cheers
Posted 19-02-2019 20:18
Hello Anishka
I am happy with your work
I also involved myself in different cleanliness program, awareness campaign and many more
Thank you for your efforts :)
Posted 18-02-2019 00:41
Your efforts to clean up the beach are indeed encouraging. We need more people to get involved and prevent plastic and waste from ending up in our oceans and eventually harming marine life. Thank you and everyone else for your participation. I hope more people are inspired because I sure am:)
Posted 17-02-2019 04:08
Hello Anishka
Everyone of us prefer to live in healthy and clean environment. As we love to live in clean and green environment, we must take to responsibility to keep our environment clean too. You have been doing a great job, cleaning your environment and keep up with your activities.
Thank you for your beautiful report.
All the best wishes with your activities.
Green Cheers :) :)
Kushal Naharki
Posted 16-02-2019 20:16