Thank you so muchTunza Eco-Generation for extending my term as Ecogeneration Ambassador to the world!
I began this journey as 19th Ecogeneration ambassador to Nepal and was Awarded as most inspirational Ambassador of very term and extended as ambassador of 20th and upgraded as Ambassador of Asia in 21st term and now extended as Ambassador of World.This journey has really been amazing!
Thank you so much Respected mentors for your constructive comments on my reports that helped me work more for mother Earth.
Thank you so much Fellow ambassadors, your works were the source of inspiration for me!
Congratulations to all newly appointed fellow ambassadors and extended ambassadors!
Hoping to interacting with you all in days to come! 😊
Working for Mother Earth reciting name of eco Generation and igniting young minds has always been a task worth mentioning!
Lets Work together and uplift ourselves up.
Congratulations Dibya!!!
I wish you have another great term with 22nd Eco Generation Ambassadors. I am really happy to hear that this platform has been helpful. Other fellow ambassadors must have been inspired by you as well. I wish you the best luck : )
Wonhee Kim
Posted 04-03-2019 23:18
Love it!
keep it up and all your efforts will be give result soon! :D
Posted 04-03-2019 14:48
Great task accomplished Divya !!
Wish you a great carrier ahead in conservation theme !!
Posted 04-03-2019 13:41
Congratulations didi, you've rellly inspir!d so many of us..thank you for all your guidance and keep doing better. Best wishes and Green Cheers💚💚
Posted 02-03-2019 18:36
Congrats Dibya Bhatta
Posted 02-03-2019 13:57
Wishing you successful term as Tunza Eco Generation Regional Ambassador for the 22nd Term.
Your journey and activities have been so inspiring for many youths including mer. I am really excited to read your reports and know about the programs you conduct. I am really looking forward for working with you :) :)
With lots of love and best wishes
Green Cheers :) :)
Posted 02-03-2019 00:12