Global Climate Change |
by Israel Adeoye | 05-03-2019 16:09
Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate. The global climate is the connected system of sun, earth and oceans, wind, rain and snow, forests, deserts and savannas, and everything people do, too. The climate of a place can be described as its rainfall, changing temperatures during the year etc. But the global climate is more than the average of the climates of specific places. A description of the global climate includes how, for example, the rising temperature of the Pacific feeds typhoons which blow harder, drop more rain and cause more damage, but also shifts global ocean currents that melt Antarctica ice which slowly makes sea level rise until New York will be under water. It is this systemic connectedness that makes global climate change so important and so complicated. Global warming is the slow increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere because an increased amount of the energy (heat) striking the earth from the sun is being trapped in the atmosphere and not radiated out into space. The earths atmosphere has always acted like a greenhouse to capture the suns heat, ensuring that the earth has enjoyed temperatures that permitted the emergence of life forms as we know them, including humans. Without our atmospheric greenhouse the earth would be very cold. Global warming, however, is the equivalent of a greenhouse with high efficiency reflective glass installed the wrong way around. Ionically, the best evidence of this may come from a terrible cooling event that took place some 1,500 years ago. Two massive volcanic eruptions, one year after another placed so much black dust into the upper atmosphere that little sunlight could penetrate. Temperatures plummeted. Crops failed. People died of starvation and the Black Death started its march. As the dust slowly fell to earth, the sun was again able to warn the world and life returned to normal. Today, we have the opposite problem. Today, the problem is not that too little sun warmth is reaching the earth, but that too much is being trapped in our atmosphere. So much heat is being kept inside greenhouse earth that the temperature of the earth is going up faster than at any previous time in history. NASA provides an excellent course module on the science of global warming. There are three positions on global warming: (1) that global warming is not occurring and so neither is climate change; (2) that global warming and climate change are occurring, but these are natural, cyclic events unrelated to human activity; and (3) that global warming is occurring as a result primarily of human activity and so climate change is also the result of human activity. The claim that nothing is happening is very hard to defend in the face or masses of visual, land-based and satellite data that clearly shows rising average sea and land temperatures and shrinking ice masses. The claim that the observed global warming is natural or at least not the result of human carbon emissions focuses on data that shows that world temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels have been equally high or higher in the past. They also point to the well understood effects of solar activity on the amount of radiation striking the earth and the fact that in recent times the sun has been particularly active. In general, climate scientists and environmentalists either (1) dispute the data based on, for example, new ice core data or (2) suggest that the timing issue that is, the rapidity with which the globe has warmed and the climate changed simply do not fit the model of previous natural events. They note also that compared to other stars the sun is actually very stable, varying in energy output by just 0.1% and over a relatively short cycle of 11 to 50 years quite unrelated to global warming as a whole. The data strongly suggests that solar activity affects the global climate in many important ways, but is not a factor in the systemic change over time that we call global warming. As for the final position that global warming and climate change result from human activity (are anthropogenic), scientists attribute current atmospheric warming to human activities that have increased the amount of carbon containing gases in the upper atmosphere and to increased amounts of tiny particles in the lower atmosphere. Photo source: https://www.google.com/search?q=free+climate+change+pictures&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi93s2RqujgAhVXTxUIHYZqBKoQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=320&bih=452#imgrc=hEcAo77Z1z3sAM:&isa=y Article source: https://warmheartworldwide.org/climate-change/ gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8quK3qjo4AIVyp3tCh1RvgkIEAAYAyAAEgLqwvD_BwE
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Greeting israel
I hope you are doing well
Nicely written
Thank you so much for this report.
Keep writing
Green cheers!
Posted 23-03-2020 11:11
Greeting israel
I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for this report!
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 22-03-2020 11:18
Greeting israel
I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for this report!
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 22-03-2020 11:15
Hello israel
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
Posted 29-02-2020 21:25
Woow this is beautiful.. Love the organization of ideas and flow of information.. Great report thanks
Posted 25-06-2019 21:16
Climate change has became terrible problem in whole world including Nepal...this report is very necessary to aware people about this problem...
Posted 06-04-2019 10:53
Hi Israel,
I am highly impressed not only with your length, but also with the depth of your report.
You have analyzed climate change from various perspective and three positions about global warming are really interesting. It might be true that global warming may be a very natural process but it is hard to refute that human activities and development definitely made it faster. I love how you organized your report and I see your points really clearly.
Please keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to your next report!
Louis Mentor
Posted 08-03-2019 21:11
Hello Israel!
Thanks for all your effort and time you spent on writing this beautiful report. Especially, it's very interesting that you compared today's global warming with little ice age caused by volcanic eruptions. It's also noticeable that you have analyzed three different positions on global warming. The fact that the global temperature and climate changes used to have a cycle is true. However, this suggestion doesn't give a good explanation on fingerprints of greenhouse gas-induced warming nor data perfectly fit in the previous world temperature cycle.
It was very well-organized and analytic report. I can't wait to see your next report.
Wonhee kIm
Posted 08-03-2019 19:55
Hello Israel
The claim for global warming is heart pricking. Thank you so much for this report.
The threats is gradually increasing and needs a serious step to reduce and mitigate it ultimately.
Green cheers
Posted 07-03-2019 17:45
Well done! Great report!
Posted 07-03-2019 04:31
Very Nice report, Keep writing :)
Posted 06-03-2019 16:32
Thanks for sharing the report on climate change. Well done!
Posted 06-03-2019 12:53
Hello Israel
Thank you for the report. We already know that climate change is already real. Climate change is a natural slow process but our human activities have created so much influence that artificial climate change is occurring as such a huge threat to us. Climate is real and we must focus on the adaption and mitigation measures. Do read my blog kushalnaharki.wordpress.com where i have written many reports on climate change.
Thank you for the beautiful report and keep writing great reports.
Green cheers from Nepal
Kushal Naharki
Posted 06-03-2019 12:28
Well done Israel!! Good report indeed!
Posted 05-03-2019 21:34
Well done!! Israel Adeoye
Posted 05-03-2019 19:03
Well written and comprehensive report about climate change and global warming. Thanks for sharing Israel
Posted 05-03-2019 17:59