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Using the water resource effectively in our daily life

by Thawdar Aung | 10-03-2019 02:21 recommendations 0

Have you ever imagined how will be  your day without water? When you wake up in the morning, some of you might need to drink a glass of water or you just go straight to the toilet or may be you will start washing your face. What about at night? May be you will brush your teeth or another glass of drinking water. Since morning till night, we are using the water resource more or less in various ways. 
Some people are using the water resources without considering for their next generations. After some years, water will become lack in some parts of the world. In my country, a number of villages have to store water in the rainy season to use them in hot summer in which no rain and only dried-up well are. If villagers didn¡¯t store water, they have to face difficulties in growing seasonal crops which can affect directly to their income. However we build dams or weirs, it¡¯s nothing without rain.
Each of us have to use water effectively in our daily life. How can we? Firstly,if you are using the same toilet with family members, you can follow this one. It is after one of you urinate, don¡¯t flush the toilet. But does after another member. This might seem a bit weird but it¡¯s helpful to save water. Secondly, when you are washing plates or kitchen stuffs, don¡¯t use water again and again for each plate. There may be water that you used after cleaning vegetables and you can use them for the first step to wash plates. Also don¡¯t forget to close the tab while washing kitchen stuffs. Last but not least, if you are washing your clothes by your hand, you should make at least two big buckets or basins. One is to soak clothes before washing and second for after washing. So that you don¡¯t have to use water to pour every time you wash a shirt.

In these ways, you can reduce using water resources bit by bit. If each of us can use the water effectively daily, we can save the earth.

What about you? Any small or big method you are following to save water? Let we all know.

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  • Dormant user Thawdar Aung
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  • Thawdar Aung says :
    Thank you Kushal for supportive feedback as always.
    Posted 12-03-2019 01:55

  • Thawdar Aung says :
    Thank you so much for pointing out this fact Wonhee mentor. At my house, after first step of washing with water that used for vegetables, we wash again with clean water for 2nd step and rub the plates and spoons with vinegar for more cleanliness.
    Posted 12-03-2019 01:53

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Thawdar

    Thanks for the beautiful report. Water is the most important in the life of every living beings and we must use water very wisely. There are large number of people who are not able to get pure drinking water and huge amount of water resources is being polluted.

    Keep writing beautiful report.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.
    Green Cheers from Nepal:) :)

    Kushal Naharki
    Posted 11-03-2019 20:47

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Thawdar

    Thank you for highlighting the importance of water that we often forget and rendering possible solutions to save water. I really like how you want to reuse the clean water but I'm little bit worried about the second suggestion. It's because the water used to wash vegetables might contain residual pesticides. Just be careful and make sure vegetables are pesticide free. In water resource issues, not contaminating water is as important as using less water. It would be meaningful if you do research on ways to not contaminate water too!
    For example, I try to use less shampoo when I take a shower.
    Thank you again for your efforts and time in writing this report. Keep it up!

    Wonhee mentor

    Posted 11-03-2019 19:52

  • Thawdar Aung says :
    Thank you for the support my dear friends.
    Posted 10-03-2019 20:54

  • Thawdar Aung says :
    Thank you for the good response Louis mentor. I also found out that toilets in South Korea are with no water pipes and it is still unusual for most of asean countries.
    Posted 10-03-2019 20:53

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Thawdar,

    Thank you for addressing this issue and indeed water shortage is a serious problem in South Korea. In fact, Korean government urges the citizens to use the water effectively and efficiently and interestingly the methods that they recommend were exactly same to yours. As I was reading the article, I realized that I was doing few things that you mentioned in the article, yet there are also few things that I haven't tried so far. I will consider those options as well to effectively use our water resources. The bottom line is we cannot live without the water!

    Great work!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 10-03-2019 15:40

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello Thawdar

    Water is indispensable part of our life.
    Thank you so much for this report.

    Green cheers!
    Posted 10-03-2019 11:01

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