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Feature Free Report :Taiwan's Sustainable Development

by Yu Hsuan Huang | 08-07-2019 19:33 recommendations 1

The issue of sustainable development in Taiwan is the main program of central government policy. The UN resolution is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 Tracking Indicators in the Flip Our World: 2030 Sustainable Development Policy of September 25, 2015. Then, based on the current situation in Taiwan, we will develop a sustainable development goal based on the deadline of 2030.


The norm for sustainable development is "Taiwan's Sustainable Development Goals". The main content is the 18 core objectives, and each has its own different policies. The following citations are the top ten items to be completed by all walks of life: Core objective 01: Strengthening the social groups of the disadvantaged groups Economic and security care services; Core objective 02: Ensuring food security, eradicating hunger and promoting sustainable agriculture; Core objective 03: Ensuring and promoting healthy living and well-being of all ages; Core objective 04: Ensuring comprehensive, equitable and quality education, advocating Lifelong learning; Core objective 05: Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women;


Core objective 06: Ensuring Environmental Quality and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources; Core objective 07: Ensuring affordable, stable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone; Core objective 08: Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and improvement Labor productivity, ensuring quality employment opportunities for all; Core objective 09: Building affordable, safe, environmentally friendly and resilient transport that can be sustainable; Core objective 10: Reduce domestic and inter-state inequality.


The specific effect of the above objectives is to relax the participation of low-income households in employment services and poverty alleviation programs. The number of beneficiaries reached 2,500, the number of miscellaneous grain crops was changed to 100,000 hectares, and the rate of stunting for children under five was maintained at or below 3.5%. The future social welfare, food ratio and the environment for the growth of young children will be fully guaranteed.


Next are the following eight outlines: Core objective 11: Building cities and villages with inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable qualities; Core objective 12: Promoting a green economy and ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns; Core objective 13: Complete adaptation Actions to respond to climate change and its impact; Core Target 14: Conservation and sustainable use of marine ecosystems and prevention of degradation of the marine environment; Core objective 15: Conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems to ensure biodiversity, and Prevent land degradation;


Core objective 16: Promote a peaceful pluralistic society, ensure judicial equality, and establish an efficient, accountable and service-oriented system at all levels; Core objective 17: Establish a multi-partnership and work together to promote a sustainable vision; Core objective 18: Achieve non-nuclear in 2025 home.


The results of the follow-up program will make the number of social housing households and rent subsidy households account for 28% of the potential demand for vulnerable households, the overall sewage treatment rate will reach 60%, establish a clean production industry assessment standard, and promote the manufacturers to pass the clean production of green factories. The number of sex judges reached 120. Promote future social housing, pollution protection, and green economy in Taiwan's major counties and cities, with a certain value of existence.


From this bill we can achieve a comprehensive and sustainable development process. And the minutes of the 31 meetings of the National Council for Sustainable Development of the Executive Yuan, I know that this bill can still be improved. By adding sustainable finance to existing legislation, I think we can directly deepen the concept of sustainable development from the most primitive industry context.





Taiwan Sustainable Development

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  • Dormant user Yu Hsuan Huang
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Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Yu Husan

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Taiwan's Sustainable Development.

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 24-07-2019 02:02

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Yu Hsuan,

    Thank you for ANOTHER great report on Sustainable Development, it is such a pleasure to read yours. I am looking forward to read more reports from you as your report really contains great information for my knowledge and awareness!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 16-07-2019 23:05

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Hsuan

    Thank you for letting use know about sustainable development in Taiwan. I am pleased to know that Taiwan government promotes sustainable development and implement national programs to achieve each goal. Keep up the good work!

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 12-07-2019 16:30

  • Desire HOUNGNIGBE says :
    Hello Hsuan.

    Thank you for highlighting the state of sustainable development in Taiwan.

    Desire Houngnigbe
    Posted 09-07-2019 18:18

  • Eco Generation says :
    Greetings Yu Hsuan,

    Again, this is a very well-written report about sustainable develpment in Taiwan's central government policy. Couldn't agree with you more that adding finance to exisiting legislation could deepen the concept of sustainable development in Taiwan. Congratulations on a job well done!
    Posted 09-07-2019 16:33

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