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What is sustainable development?

by Mehri Huseynli | 03-08-2019 03:06 recommendations 0

In this area, we must speak of development that meets the needs of the present, but does not jeopardize future generations' own needs and does not threaten the national sovereignty of other countries.

This notion first appeared in the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future

Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Environment and Development explains the goals of the concept of sustainable development as a whole and a special commission on sustainable development has been established within the UN.

The world population is rising rapidly by approximately 75 million per year. Soon there will be 8 billion by the 2020s. This rapid increase in human numbers puts the world economy and the environment at risk. The reality is poor people have a difficulty finding food, shelter and maintaining their own health. There are so many parents are struggling to create a bright future for their children. Besides that, the environment is getting worse and becoming unattainable for some areas. Humanity is changing earth¡¯s climate, polluting fresh air and having a negative effect on clean water, especially oceans and rivers.

The huge problems as I have mentioned (such as poverty) can be solved by economic development. But the point is developing of economy increasing the environmental threats. Thus, we arrive at sustainable development. Sustainable development consisting of 17 different goals helps us to achieve the economic, environmental and social objectives.

The goals serving environmental objective are clean water and sanitation (6th goal), affordable and clean energy (7th goal), responsible consumption and production  (12th goal), climate action (13th goal), life below water (14th goal), life on land (15th goal).  


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  • Dormant user Mehri Huseynli
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  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Mehri,

    Thank you for your report on sustainable development and stressing why this is important to us. As there are more population and more pollutions on this earth, it has became even more important to save our beautiful planet to our future generations. I hope our environment can be protected well through UN's sustainable development plan!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 18-08-2019 19:04

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Merhi!

    I hope you are well today my fellow ambassador!

    Your effort in explaining to us what sustainable Development Goals are is commendable. Thank you so much for the effort that you have put in writing this report I enjoyed reading this so much and I hope to read more of your work in the coming future!

    Keep on holding the Fort Mehri!
    With gratitude,
    Ms Domingos
    Posted 12-08-2019 19:00

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Mehri

    Thank you for sharing your brief and well-organized report on sustainable development goals. As you mentioned, increasing number of people and depletion of natural resources are the main threat to environment. You have well described why it's important to achieve 17 sustainable development goals and which ones are related to environmental issues. Keep up the good work! : )

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 06-08-2019 21:53

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Mehri

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about what is sustainable development.

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 04-08-2019 21:50

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