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The activities of Green

by Abul Bashar Rahman | 01-09-2019 03:35 recommendations 0

It is said that humans are made up of their environment. Throughout history, humans have unlocked manifold treasuries of science and technology and simultaneously relinquished the laws of nature. Afterward, in accordance with their necessity and taste, they have created their environment. This artificial environment is, indeed, where humans bloom and also from where their doomsday calls out. For centuries, humans, blinded by the victory-pride of science has contaminated the environment of mother earth, spread the harmful by-product of science all around.

And the result was spiteful. Polluted environment has interrupted the ecological balance. So the existence of the entire living world is now in jeopardy.

With that said, we, team ¡°Green¡±, are proudly announcing our 2nd event with the same as previous yet elaborate aim, to help save our environment, save ourselves and create a sustainable future for the generation to come. After an elaborate awareness project through institutions around Uttara, we are now giving you a practical opportunity to voluntarily involve yourselves in service to nature, to the environment and to the earth that we all live in.

Green's dominance has led to a successful event where we distributed a few hundred trees with effective participation of volunteers from all age groups.
the volunteers of Green

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  • Dormant user Abul Bashar Rahman
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  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    We would like to hear further from you.
    Posted 07-09-2019 13:50

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Abul!

    Thank you for reporting on this activity. I'm so glad that your endeavours and all the positions and voluntary work that you're putting into this movement is going for the environment you and the organisation for the future have done a very good job to succeed on behalf of the environment.

    Thank you so much! I look forward to reading more of your reports!
    Posted 02-09-2019 02:08

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Adul

    Thank you for sharing your valuable experience with us! There is a saying 'Action speaks louder than words.' You've shown what we have to do by your actions.
    I hope Green organizes more events like this! Keep up the good work!

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 01-09-2019 22:51

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Abul

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about The activities of Green. Going Green has always been my favorite campaign.

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 01-09-2019 15:17

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Keep going on with your great work.
    It must be appriciated. Looking forward to read and learn more from you,
    Green Cheers,
    Sandhya Adhikari
    Posted 01-09-2019 04:09

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Thank you for such a aprreciable report.
    Keep writing.
    Posted 01-09-2019 03:52

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