Aquaponics |
by Bal krishna Pandey | 30-09-2019 20:45 0 |
Literally speaking, Aquaponics is putting fish to work. It just so happens that the work those fish do (eating and producing waste), is the perfect fertilizer for growing plants. And man, fish can grow a lot of plants when they get to work!
One of the coolest things about Aquaponics is that it mimics a natural ecosystem. Aquaponics represents the relationship between water, aquatic life, bacteria, nutrient dynamics, and plants which grow together in waterways all over the world. Taking cues from nature, aquaponics harnesses the power of bio-integrating these individual components: Exchanging the waste by-product from the fish as a food for the bacteria, to be converted into a perfect fertilizer for the plants, to return the water in a clean and safe form to the fish. Just like mother nature does in every aquatic ecosystem. What vegetables you can grow in aquaponics: In an a small aquaponic based garden you can grow vegetables that don¡¯t need heavy nutrient input. Lettuce, kale, watercress, arugula, decorative flowers, mint, herbs, okras, spring onions and leek, radishes, spinach and other small vegetables. Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, broccoli and cauliflower can require more nutrition and a well stocked or more advanced aquaponic system. Avoid growing plants that need acidic or alkaline water, because those levels of pH can definitely harm the fish. Benefits of aquaponics: 1) Aquaponics is a way to grow your own fish and vegetables at the same time. You feed the fish and the fish will feed your plants through their waste output. 2) There is no need to use fertilizers because the fish provide rich nutrients for the plants. 3) In aquaponics, less water is used for the crops. Research has shown that aquaponic gardens use 1/10th of the water you would use for soil garden. 4) Regular gardening pesticides or other chemicals can¡¯t be used because they would harm the fish. 5) This results in healthier and organic vegetables. 6) You won¡¯t experience any soil borne diseases in aquaponics because there is no soil. 7) You can grow plants in very small space, and have a great harvest. 8) Plants grow fast because they get very nutritious substances from the fish waste. 9) Plants and fish production can be done in a controlled temperature environment. 10) Water is used in a closed system and circulated effectively, reducing the consumption and the water bills. (source:https://permaculturenews.org) Photo credit: Tulsi Jirel, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal |
Greetings Bal Krishna dai
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
It's awesome! And pictures are also amazing
I hope to read more reports from you
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 29-01-2020 01:26
Hello Hyeongmin Mentor,
Thank you very much !!!
Posted 09-10-2019 14:16
thanks kushal naharki brother
Posted 09-10-2019 14:15
dear prakriti sister, thanks very much !!!
Posted 09-10-2019 14:15
thank you very much @preeti sister)
Posted 09-10-2019 14:14
thank you sandhya baini!
Posted 09-10-2019 14:14
Hello meena pandey sister, thank you very much !!!
Posted 09-10-2019 14:13
Hi Bal Krishna!
I've never heard of such an interesting concept. Growing crops and fish together look just perfect.
Maybe they were initially created to harmonize and it's the humans who separated them apart.
By looking at the photos, it's also beautiful to see the little eco-system formed as well as the productivity.
Thank you for the informative and great report!
Keep up with the good work!
Posted 08-10-2019 22:21
Hello BalKrishna bro
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about Aquaponics
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 04-10-2019 00:12
Hello brother
Keep writing
Posted 02-10-2019 13:06
Hello Balkrishna dai,
I do hope you are fine there and doing great with your work.
Aquaponics is also one of the best way to minimize the pesticide use on plants.
Both the components fish and plant can be raised on controlled manner.
Keep writing such a great report.
Posted 01-10-2019 06:02
Hello dai
Thank you for your writings
Posted 30-09-2019 22:36
Hello Bal Krishna dai!!!
I hope you are fine and doing great.
Aquaponics, in one hand make the rearing of fish easier while on the other hand the feeding of fish is made conventional.
It must be enouraged.
Keep writing and shining.
Hope to know more from you.
Warm regards,
Meena Pandey
Both plants and fish can be cultivated in the controlled manner.
Posted 30-09-2019 21:32