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Environmental Forum At Legends Springfield Montessori

by Justice Obiri | 08-12-2019 10:49 recommendations 0

One thing I have really come to appreciate as an ambassador is forums. It opens the gateway to give out information and gained more information as it keeps progressing. I personally love to have children and the youth as my audience when I organise my environmental forums because they decide the future of tomorrow. I organised an environmental forum at Legends Springfield Montessori located in Accra (The capital city of Ghana) with the aim of the positively impacting the lives of the students there. I was pleased to be given the chance to share something with the students. 

I decided to the talk about air pollution and its effects on climate. Since they were children, I had to scale the volume of content down because it is not everything that they could  understand. This was met with much pleasure as I handed over the promotional goods sent by Tunza Eco Generation to them. 

The forum was a successful one and we say a big thank you to Tunza Eco Generation for the promotional goods.

Green Cheers from Ghana! 

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  • Dormant user Justice Obiri
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Hello Justice

    I hope you are doing well!
    Nice report
    Keep writing
    Thank you so much for this report!

    Looking forward to reading some more reports.
    Green cheers!

    Best regards
    Posted 19-03-2020 11:25

  • Susmita Horticulturist says :
    Hello justice
    Very nice
    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 26-02-2020 21:37

  • Justice Obiri says :
    A big thank you to each and everyone of you for the comments
    Posted 20-12-2019 13:29

  • Hyeongmin Mentor says :
    Hello Justice

    Just by looking at the pictures you uploaded, I can see that those children had great experience. I'm sure the forum impacted those children in very positive way and it must have been their critical point in becoming the environmental citizen of the future society.

    Thank you for sharing your great experience.

    Keep up the great work.
    Posted 14-12-2019 06:19

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Justice

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Environmental Forum At Legends Springfield Montessori

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 09-12-2019 17:35

  • Lisa Mentor says :
    Hey Justice!
    This is your mentor Lisa:)

    Great to see little young faces gathered together to discuss the important issue of mankind. I think engaging in society from an early age is critical to social development as well as in guaranteeing the sustainability of it!
    You have done a great job of sharing knowledge and awareness in your local community as the tunza ambassador and I am very proud:)

    Keep up the good work and I hope these young boys and girls grow up to become the green activists like you!
    Posted 09-12-2019 17:04

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello justice
    I hope you are fine

    This is great. Children are indeed a pure soul.

    Great job
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 08-12-2019 15:05

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