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Destroying the Environment in the name of economic development

by Mufaro Zibanai | 30-12-2019 21:46 recommendations 0

The president of Zimbabwe, E.D Mnangagwa when he was addressing the nation on his inaugural speech advocated for more mining than agriculture with the bid of increasing the country's wealth and develop the economy into a middle class economy by 2030. Would this prove to be sustainable and is the economic development for real? Would we kill the environment for so called 'economic development'?  These are unanswered questions in people's mind of those who care.

In Bindura where I live there's so much damage to the land due to mining. The illegal miners 'makorokoza' there were given permission and allowed to mine at designated areas. The 'makorokoza's were legalised and formalised to be small-scale miners where they are destroying the land through digging pits, poisoning water sources and destroying infrastructure. The insert picture clearly show how the peri-urban farms are being transformed into pits and destruction of wetlands. If we try to imagine the future our tears will flow because the government cannot act but is in a bid to take all this beautiful land from us.

The small scale miners use mercury and cynanide in their mining process which is deadly to the flora and fauna. Cynanide is leading to the death of domestic and wild animals. The wild animals such as hare, bucks and impalas which are inhabitants of the farm lands and the beautiful green lands in Bindura. A threat to the ecosystem while the government fold hands watching in the name of economy building.

It is now time that we as a nation create solutions to the future problem we are facing. The solution we suggested as a environment club is that creating major policies that would bind the small scale miners for post mining maintenance and rehabilitation of the mined land. Taxation cannot solve the crisis but it will act as a fund and reserve to facilitate post mining maintenance problems. 

Small scale minesMu

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  • Dormant user Mufaro Zibanai
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  • Lisa Mentor says :
    Hey Mufaro, it's Lisa again.

    I think again, you are making a very critical point here when we are discussing the topic of environment. Economic development and environmental protection have always been the two core values that arise. They seem to be incompatible yet we value both. Especially when it comes to developing countries that have affluent natural environment yet are desiring for economic development, this becomes a huge problem.
    Although it is true that we cannot stop these countries from pursuing their country's welfare, it is true that worldwide environmental movement goes against their policies.
    I feel like again, the same old story of international cooperation comes up again, yet it might be true that this is what we need.

    Lots to think about involving this topic. Thanks for bringing up on the table dear!
    Posted 02-01-2020 22:53

  • Hyeongmin Mentor says :
    Hello Mufaro

    It's a sad that that the environment is being destroyed under the name of economic development. I think people should have further view that the damaged environment will cause further economical loss. Other than that, nature itself has enough value to be protected. I hope some productive solutions are suggest in Zimbabwen government and those solutions are implemented in effective ways.

    Thank you for sharing the situation in Zimbabwe.

    Keep up with the great work.
    Posted 02-01-2020 18:08

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Mufaro

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Destroying the Environment in the name of economic development

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 02-01-2020 00:03

  • Okoth Okoth says :
    This calls for civil engagement to stop the act
    Posted 31-12-2019 14:02

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