Companies working for the recycling of electronic equipment waste in Macau:ZhongXing Vannex (Macau) Limited[thematic report] |
by YILE CHEN | 10-03-2020 19:15
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Enjoyed reading this.
Thank you for this wonderful report
Posted 01-04-2020 08:51
hello yile,
enjoyed reading your report.
hope to learn more from you
Posted 30-03-2020 16:34
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Green cheers
Warm regards
Posted 29-03-2020 01:12
Thanks for the report
Posted 26-03-2020 18:47
Hello Yile,
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about Companies working for the recycling of electronic equipment waste in Macau
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 16-03-2020 01:58
Hi Yile, this is Sang Su Lee.
Thank you so much for changing your article style. I really appreciate it. Also, I apologize that I was being harsh to you T.T.
Many companies, because of exorbitant economical expenses, do not really care about disposing wastes. However, I guess the company that you introduce is carefully processing this waste by recycling, which is really good. Recycling is precious because it reuses limited resources and it does not pressure the ecosystem.
Thank you for introducing such a nice company.
Green Cheers!
Posted 13-03-2020 14:24
I do hope everything is going well..
Thank you so much for sharing your report!!!
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 12-03-2020 11:21
Hello Yile. It's mentor Taehyun.
Thank you for writing your own experience! It was really helpful. Big shout out to those companies which recycling electronic devices! Electronic devices are the hardest things to recycle. It has value to recycle! In the electronic device circuit board, many rare elements like gold, platinum included for efficiency. And collecting those rare elements is a really important task not only for an economical reason but also an environmental reason.
Thank you for your report!
Posted 11-03-2020 22:20
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 11-03-2020 01:49
What an interesting report! Thank you for giving us some insights into these recycling companies and allowing us to understand how they try to alleviate environmental problems.
Posted 10-03-2020 21:39
Hello Yile,
I must give great salute to those companies who are working for recycling electronics goods.
Thanks for the wonderful piece of report.
Green cheers from Nepal!
Prabha Bhusal
Posted 10-03-2020 19:35