We all know that sunlight is essential for life.Also, it is necessary for plants to grow, and to provide energy to warm the earth's atmosphere.Today I want to define the production of this energy with scientific theories.
The Sun is a huge nuclear reactor in which existing hydrogen nuclei fuse to produce helium nuclei. This hydrogen nuclear heat fuel goes through a three-step process called the proton-proton chain.
A stage: The first stage involves the fusion of two protons, which results in the formation of Deuterium and the simultaneous ejection of an electron and a neutrino. The Plasma collide , almost immediately with one of the numerous electrons in the plasma and with that destroyed electron and it creates Gamma-ray.
1H + 1H ¡æ 2H + e + ¥ã 1.19mev
B stage: The deuterium produced in the first stage can fuse with another proton to produce the light isotope of helium,
3He. 1H + 2H ¡æ3H + e + ¥ã 1.19mev
C stage: It is the fusion of two 3He nuclei that results in the formation of ordinary helium (4He) and the simultaneous ejection of two energetic protons. Because the final stage requires two 3He batches, for the final stage to occur once, the previous steps need to be done twice before. The proton-proton chain thus uses four protons to form a 4He core.Comparing the mass of the final helium-4 atom with the masses of the four protons reveals that 0.7 percent of the mass of the original protons has been lost. This mass has been converted into energy, in the form of gamma rays and neutrinos released during each of the individual reactions. [1]
This energy is absorbed by the solar panel after reaching Earth.
With the help of panels, we can generate electricity or even sweeten water.Of course, it should be noted that the desalination of seawater using solar energy can damage the marine ecosystem.That's why scientists are researching and improving inventions to make the most of solar energy.
1.roshd (Translated into English by Aida D karandi)
Hello Aida,
it is nice to read your report.
thanks for introducing such a beautiful report about freshwater relating electrons.
green cheers
Posted 20-06-2020 21:44
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 23-04-2020 00:18
Thank you so much for sharing.
Posted 12-04-2020 14:40
Hello aida
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about From electrons to freshwater
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 10-04-2020 19:27
I do hope everything is going well..
Thank you so much for sharing this report !!!
It was awesome to go through it..
Eagerly waiting for your more reports to come..
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 08-04-2020 01:51
Hi Aida, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.
It was interesting to read that how the solar ray can be converted to the energy in the form that humans can use. Solar energy is known as next generation renewable energy because its energy is unlimited. However, the problem is expense. I hope the technology regarding this mechanism would develop so that the price of converting solar ray to energy would go down. It will be then a revolution to the energy industry!
Thank you for sharing an interesting article!
Posted 07-04-2020 17:31
Hello Aida, this is mentor Taehyun!
Thank you for a report about the mechanism of the star! When I was young, I sometimes had a curiosity about the photosynthesis(actually at that time, I didn't know that term). Why plant can do photosynthesis? Why human can't? I finally learned that in high school. And it was fascinating! Don't you think so? Electromagnetic energy came from a 1.5 hundred million kilometers make one cell to activate? And that is the amazing fact of the sun!
Thank you for sharing the information.
Green cheers!
Posted 07-04-2020 01:13
Great work . Appreciated.
Posted 06-04-2020 22:42
Hello Aida!!
Thank you for sharing this with us!!
I enjoy going through your report!
Hope to know more from you!
Posted 06-04-2020 14:34