Thematic report (April)Chemical Product Around Us |
by Dibya Bhatta | 06-04-2020 13:57
Red, shiny and juicy apple labelled as organic in the departmental store wraps a huge amount of persistent organic pesticide resistant to bio-degradation which in turn biomagnifies in our tissues.Rice and eggs are artificially synthesized these days.cucumber and pumkins grow big in a single day with an injection of oxytocin which in turn is carcinogenic.Mushroom are also not organic as labelled.Meat is drenched with antibiotics.In economically well-off and industrially rich countries an average Apple is drenched 17 times in pesticide spray from flowering to harvest.According to research by USDA taking into consideration only the phosphates Apple alone contained 11 different neurotoxins.After the era of pesticides the famous quote" an Apple a day keeps the doctor away"remains only as a popular proverb.Organic food are now a real myth.The Apple is just a representative example. we are indirectly feeding poisons from our table in various forms.The fresh tomato and potato we see in store are more metallic and plastic than organic.Today we can't trust on what we read in the label.And yes,don't forget soak the fruits and vegetables in warm water before use. The persistent organo-chlorine,highly toxic organo-phosphates and carbamates used to kill pest may protect the economic yield,secure food for those hungry 800 millon out there in the planet but do not protect the health of you, me and everyone on the planet. Food security do not mean only enough food.It means healthy food not drenched in pesticides in one or other way with their own natural texture,chemicals and aroma. They are widely being used because miraculously,even a small dose can control pest population to greater extent.And they show their effect in short period. The users are unaware about the pesticides residue and depleting pest residue. They do not read the hazard category in the label as toxic,fairly toxic or highly toxic. The recommended dose is not followed and the users believe that heavy dose can bring the pest population below ETL(economic threshold level)quickly.As far as my memory serves me, 600 school children in Bihar suffered from phosphate poisoning few years back. Such cases are not new in this era. Headaches,dizziness,weakness,fatigue,nausea,eye irritation etc rules the one with pesticide residues or those who handle without proper attention and caution. The pesticides residues in water bodies increases BOD and causes eutrophication. Pest to one is pet to another. They maintain natures' balance.They protect us.But we keep on polluting our own plates and lives with POPs. Integrated pest management techniques to grow healthy crops,protect natural enemies,regular monitoring and ultimately make farmers expert is the immense need of Today. For developing nations like ours trial pesticides like DDT are frequently introduced but pest have developed resistance in short period,they modify the chemical release and they in turn cause hazard to you,me and everyone. Revolution by integration of biological control agents is the ultimate goal of today. Pest residues should be protected and pesticide residues needs to be reduced.Natural enemies must be protected,introduced,innudated,augmented and encouraged. Bees are dying out. We are losing our bee hives Death of a single bee is more severe than terrorism. Shallows have disappeared. Food is polluted by antibiotics. Meat shot is full of hormones. Monsanto controls the seed production. Juiciest Apple is tainted by pesticides. Pesticides biomagnifies in fishes. We are heading towards metallic and plastic world. Even after the era of microbial and biological pesticides the problem is not solved yet.There are huge pool of contents for several silent springs for several Carsons!! Time has come to grow our own food in small possible ways.Its time to return to natural oragnic farming system which has positive impacts on environment and human health.Reduce your carbon foot print and heal the planet.Donot waste your food because its like stealing from the plates of hungry.Know the synthetic chemical associated in your food and try to minimize it with best possible ways! Stay healthy! Green cheers! |
Greetings dibya dd
I hope you are doing well
Great report
Thank you so much for your report.
Keep writing
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 04-08-2020 01:32
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 23-04-2020 00:18
Hello dibya didi
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about Chemical Product Around Us
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 10-04-2020 19:26
I do hope everything is going well..'
Thank you so much for this report!!!
Its the sad reality at today's date that in the name of fresh fruits we all are having chemicals that has adverse effects on our health....
Eagerly waiting for your more reports..
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 08-04-2020 01:45
Posted 07-04-2020 15:53
thank you!!
Posted 07-04-2020 12:15
Hello Dibya
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report on chemical product!
Posted 07-04-2020 02:10
Hello Dibya Bhatta, greeting from mentor Taehyun!
Thank you for the report about chemical substances. We have to be aware and think more seriously with those pesticides, cause those organic molecules can stay in our body for almost forever. There was shocking research which is about the chemicals in the body, and according to that, the mother's body chemical can move to baby and it can spread through the generations. So, even if we are a little bit inconvenient with organic things, we have to use fewer pesticides.
Thank you for the report!
Green cheers!
Posted 07-04-2020 01:39
hello Dibya Bhatta,
thank you for the beautiful report. consumption of these pesticide polluted fruits and other commodities are harming our health. they are being accumulated in our body Bioaccumulation.
Sandesh Thapa!!
Posted 06-04-2020 23:50
Chemical free life almost impossible. But we can still struggle for reducing exposure to harmful chemicals by awareness.
Posted 06-04-2020 22:35
Hello Dibya Didi!!
I hope you are doing great!!
Its very sad to know that we are having such products which are all because of chemical treatment!
Hope to know more from you!!
Posted 06-04-2020 14:29